Chapter 3

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After all of my belongings were secure in my locker, I exited the building and went to the parking lot looking for Nia's jeep. I have my own car but she decided to pick us all up today so that we could ride to the mall together after school. I finally spotted her vehicle and made my way over to it. I got in the car to see that Faith and Nia were already in here.

"About time." Faith complained.

"My bad, practice went over a little." I defended myself. Faith handed me a McDonald's bag from the front and I gave her the money as Nia turned on the engine. The whole ride to the mall we basically just sang along to the radio and talked about what ideas we had on what we were going to wear. We were meeting Tia and Faith's best friend Aliyah (Ya-Ya) there which is Tia's older sister to look for something to wear to this party tonight .




"You look cute !" Nia exclaimed in the middle of this boutique called Ella's.

I was trying to find something nice to wear and I had on this all black tight fitting dress with the back out it had long sleeves and it stopped mid-thigh. I really liked it, but I felt that it was too dressy for the party. After contemplating for a moment, I decided that I was going to buy it anyways, because it was too cute to pass up.

After I put my clothes back on we all were trying to find something to wear to the party and right now, and I have a feeling that this is going to take a while.

"Y'all think I should wear my black cardigan with the studs on the shoulders? "Faith asked us, she had on a pair of high waisted black shorts and a red crop top. I nodded, not really too worried about what she was wearing, because I still needed something.


Now you walk around with 50 in your trousers
Diamonds boolin' on my chest, no fuckin' blouser
Bitch, I make it rain shower, ya dig that?
Ain't nobody know a thing about ya if you zip that
Hit 'em with that blocka-blocka, nigga get back

My song blasted through the speakers so I began to dance with the girls. Well it was just me and Nia, the rest of the girls just sat on a couch trying to be cute. I was having a good time dancing with random people letting go of all f my problems. Once the song was over, I decided to go grab a soda from the kitchen.

I was looking in the refrigerator when I felt a hand on my waist. I thought it was Nia or Faith playing with me, but when I stood all he way up I came face to face with a man that looked to be about 23 or 24.

" What the hell is wrong with you?"

" You look really pretty, I didn't mean to scare you." He was stammering and the alcohol on his breath was attacking my nose.

" You good, imma just leave." I said as I proceeded to walk past him when he grabbed my wrist.

"Why you leavin so e-earrly? "

"Yo get the fuck off of me." I said with not an ounce of fear in my voice. One thing Daddy always taught us was never show your enemy fear.

" Why you gotta be like that?"

"Man if you don't get the fuck out my face." I said trying to snatch my wrist from his grip. He really need to get out my face with that shitty ass breath.

"Lets get to know each other." He said breathing all hard on my neck.

I tried to push him off of me but he had a strong grip on my wrist. Everybody around us were either as drunk as he was or wasn't paying attention. Once I finally got my wrist out of his hand, I quickly walked off. Next thing i know there was a big boom and I turned around to see him fighting somebody, and the other person was winning. I looked at the other person's face and it was Mitchell. Next thing I know Mitchell punched the guy again and he was out cold. Everybody was surrounding us, but Mitchell still didn't quit punching the guy and by this point the guy covered in blood. I just stood there and watched not knowing what else to do.

Some guy finally decided to pull Mitchell off of the guy. He looked down to see the guys limp body, and shrugged. Our eyes made contact and made his way over to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the crowd and out of the house. I didn't want to talk or ask questions, because hewas LIVID. He pulled me to some car opened the passenger seat door, and walked over to the drivers seat. I sat in the passengers seat and closed the door and he started the car, sent a text on his phone, and pulled off. He was gripping the wheel so hard that his knuckles were red.

I then began to wonder if me getting in the car with him was the right decision. It's been a whole month since we've last came in contact with one another and seeing him in this state sent chills down my spine. I prayed to God that he keep me safe, and that Mitchell's intentions were pure. I sent a text to Faith saying that I was with Mitchell and that I would explain in the morning.

"Thank you." He snapped his neck and looked at me loosening his grip on the wheel.

"For what?" He genuinely looked and sounded confused.

"You know for helping me."

" You welcome ma. And he wasn't dead by the way he'll be alright for now." What did he mean " for now"? I didn't even want to question him, not really sure that I even wanted the answer.

"How did you even know it was me?"

"I needed a drink and Jamal told me that he had a bottle in one of his cabinets. I seen ole dude all over you, but I ain't know it was you I just knew that whatever was going on wasn't right."

" Oh well thank you again."

" No problem. Stop thanking me " I mumbled "okay." and turned up the radio.

" Can you please shut up you making my ears hurt." He said chuckling.

"My bad." I replied kind of hurt. I didn't even realize that I was singing.

"I was just kidding ma, you got a nice little voice." I blushed and sat back in the seat.

" Thank you ." He began to sing along to the song and no joke he sounded terrible. I covered my ears and laughed as he got louder.

I looked out the window and seen that we going towards my house. The rest of the ride we kind of joked around but really we just listened to music.



"Be safe lil mama ." The car stopped and we were in front of my house.

"Okay I will. Bye and thank you again."

"You good ma ." I nodded and got out the car. I looked in my purse for my keys and when I finally found them I waved him goodbye before walking up the stars to my house. I turned around and seen that he was still there and mentally smiled. I put my key in the lock and opened the door. I turned back around and waved once more and then he pulled off. Once I got inside I seen Travis sitting on the couch playing a game.

"Where's Faith?" Travis asked as I was walking past him up. I didn't say anything and just sat on the couch.

"She's still at the party," I began before telling him everything that happened.

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