Chapter 1

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A/N This chapter has been updated drastically. Must read.


I look at my alarm clock,


"Why are they making so much noise this early in the morning?" I thought to myself. I attempted to fall back asleep, but only to be disturbed once again. Frustrated, I slid out of bed and grabbed my robe from a hook on my wall. I put it on, slid my feet into my house shoes, and walked into the hallway. I began to ease my way down the stairs when I heard more noise being made.

I quickly realized that it wasn't a member of my family, and ran back up the stairs as silently as I could. I raced down the hall to my brother, Michael's, room. I knocked on his door repeatedly, and after about 30 seconds he came to the door in just his boxers.

"You aint hear that noise downstairs?" I questioned barely above a whisper.

"What are you talking about Mia?" He groaned, yawning.

"Michael I'm scared. Can you put on some pants and come with me downstairs?" I was panicking and I'm sure that he noticed.

He finally realized that this was serious and threw on some pants that were lying on his floor and grabbed his gun off of his bedside table. He walked down the hall with me close behind, and we made our way to the stair case. As we crept downstairs we heard it again.


We increased in speed down the stairs as we heard feet scatter across the floor. When we got down there I just shook my head. Somebody was trying to rob us. He must be new to the neighborhood, because everyone around here knows not to mess with Michael. The guy was trying to climb out of our kitchen window, but he was struggling. I guess he heard us come down the stairs, dropped the t.v and tried to flee like whoever else he was with.

"Yo!" Michael bellowed and took his gun off of safety. Once the boy heard the noise of the weapon , he gave up on going out the small window and eased his way back inside of the house. He stared at us and pulled a gun out his pocket. Just like that my heart dropped, and I had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well. Simultaneously, Michael managed to shoot him first. The noise the gun made as it fired made my ears ring and my heart increase in it's already abnormal pace.

We watched as the person dropped to the ground and wince in pain. I began to freak out on the inside not knowing what to do next, but I couldn't manage to move. To be totally honest, I'm not even sure if I was breathing. Michael walked next to him and picked up the gun that he had dropped.

The sound of movement upstairs instantly brought me out of my phase of shock. I feared that there were more people in our house. My previous state of fear was nothing compared to how I feel now. As far as I know, the rest of my family could be dead right now.

Michael put his finger over his mouth as if he were telling me to be quiet and aimed the gun at the staircase ready to fire. My heart was now beating out of my chest as I heard footsteps on the stairs. I closed my eyes so that I would not have to witness what was yet to unfold in-front of me.

"What's going on?" My mother plead and I opened my eyes to see My mother and Faith was behind her. I let out an audible sigh of relief as my heart began to slow to its regular place. I was still to shocked to speak, but even if I could I wouldn't be able to explain what happened due to the fact that everything happened so fast.

My mother examined the mess and the boy on the ground in pain once more and silently walked to the phone. I began to get nervous because I thought that she was calling the police, and I didn't want my brother in any type of trouble. My siblings and I stood silently. I guess we were all waiting to see what was going to happen next.

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