Bad News: Day 1688

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Eighth of March, two thousand and thirteen.

I was walking on my own, to YogTowers, Toby not really up to going because he had a lot of homework to do. I was listening to McFly on my MP3 player. I needed a new one, this one was getting old and sometimes didn't play songs anymore.

After a while of walking, I saw the building that was YogTowers. I buzzed on their floor button and Turps let me in. I walked over to the elevator, waving at the receptionist and pressed the correct floor button. Turps was a cool guy. He was a bit loud but he made it up for being cool and really nice, though sometimes it felt like he tried to hard doing certain things, which kinda weirded me out. 

There was a guy called Sam and sometimes he was called S.A.M. because it stood for something like Sentient Audio Machine. Sometimes I'd just call him Gibbs as it was his last name and I had been watching a lot of NCIS before I'd met him. He found it amusing and let me call him that.

"Hey, kid," Turps said, smiling at me when I entered YogTowers.

"Hey, Turps. You seen my dad?" I asked. It was Friday and we were apparently going to go to the cinema.

"In his office recording. How's your day been?" he asked.

"It's been OK. Some bitch tried pushing me down the stairs but Toby caught me before I fell," I said.

"Do I sense romance?" Turps teased, and I scoffed a little.

"Please. He's been crushing on Lauren since a week after they met. I've been trying to get them together," I told him.

"I have plans," he said in what he probably thought was an evil voice. "Have you tried setting them up? Saying you're gonna go with them to town and not showed up?"

"Yeah. Didn't work. Also tried talking to them separately about each other. They're both crushing big time on each other but they won't make a move," I said.

"Fuck," he muttered.

"Yeah. Maybe I should just bind them to some chairs and make them talk about their feelings?" I asked.

"Oh, my god, yes. I'll help," he said.

"We're matchmakers," I said.

"Who d'you think needs to get together?" Turps asked me curiously.

"Ross and Kim for a start. Kogie and Leo. On the topic of couple - have you proposed yet?" I asked.

"No. I don't know how,"

"OK ... when you go home tonight, make the tea and treat her well. Also take home flowers and her favourite chocolate. Wrap up the ring in some wrapping paper and give it to her as a present. When she opens it just ask her then and there. If you've been making her happy in your relationship, there's no way she'll reject you," I told him.

"Look at you, telling a grown man how to propose. You sure you've never been in a relationship?" Turps asked jokingly.

"I've watched rom-coms and all sorts with my dad. Relationships aren't really my forte," I added with a shrug.

"What's with the skirt?" Turps asked, looking at my uniform. I grimaced.

"It's now compulsory for girls to wear skirts. As if I wasn't already insecure enough. Now I'm always scared someone'll pull down my skirt or something. With my trousers I could wear belts," I said.

"I bet it sucks," he muttered.

"Yeah. It takes ages for P.E. because you're not allowed to wear the tights with your kit so you have to take the tights off and it really is annoying having to put them back on. Luckily they've not noticed I started wearing leggings," I said with a grin.

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