Sparkles*' Girlfriend?: Day 1860

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Twenty-seventh of August, two thousand and thirteen.

My sixteenth birthday had been and had gone. I was now legally able to have a provisional licence and buy scratch cards (Kogie loved this and often made me buy some when he wasn't allowed to by the other band members). Dad had put on Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen by Neil Sedaka, and I had ended up crying because my mother had loved Sedaka's work, and it reminded me of Rufus. He put on other songs, of course, but that one really hit me. Sparkles* had caught me crying and had managed to cheer me up. 

The other Yogs had given me little gifts that I loved, and I was surprised at how much they cared. At my birthday party (it wasn't my idea), Leo had danced with Kogie and some people got a little drunk. Of course this wasn't my ideal way of celebrating as alcohol just reminded me of my past, but as long as the others had been happy and had a good time, I wasn't too bothered. I had also gotten my ears and my nose pierced because I'd been wanting them done for a while and had decided to have them done when I was sixteen.

I had nothing to do, except bug Toby, Lauren and Harry - this meant I had to go into YogTowers - and I was more than happy to do so. I'd received my GCSE results, and I was very pleased with them. I had gotten all A*-Cs and not a single fail. I'd been so happy. Dad was pleased and we celebrated by having a takeout and a Harry Potter marathon. He had also given me fifty pounds for not failing.

After taking the bus to YogTowers because I was lazy, I was surprised to see a woman I didn't recognise. I had almost walked into her when she walked into my path but had managed to catch myself before I would've undoubtedly pissed her off.

"Err, hello?" I asked her when she had looked down her nose at me. My guts told me she was a snobby dick, and the way she looked at me told me she thought she was superior to me. "Got something up your nose?" I asked her. 

She scoffed before walking to Sparkles*' room. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but didn't follow her. She had long dyed blonde hair that went down all her back. Her eyes were a nice pretty blue colour, but her attitude didn't make her pretty. She had thin lips and nice cheekbones, her eyebrows were a dark colour (I wasn't sure if they were black or brown) and I could tell she really liked makeup - probably more than Beckii. She was tall, most likely taller than Sparkles* and her heels made her look like she was the same height as Smith or Strippin (who had joined the Yogscast not too long ago). I walked into the common room and saw Hat Films in there along with Harry, some other editors like Colin and Kim and Hannah.

"Hey," Harry greeted when he saw me. "Seen that bitch?" he asked.

"Who's she?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"Sparkles*' girlfriend," he said. It felt my heart stopped and my stomach dropped. I hadn't been expecting that.


"Sparkles*' girlfriend," he repeated. "Yeah, she's not the type I thought he liked," Harry added.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked, trying to comprehend what I'd heard.

"Yeah. Surprising, right? I thought he'd be forever alone -"

"Or Spesse* would be canon." Ross interrupted from across the room. I raised my hand with the middle finger up, and didn't bother to turn around to look at him when I heard the offended sound he made.

"He's got a point. Even I ship it," Harry told me.

"Each day you get closer to me kicking you in the balls," I said, and he gave me a nervous smile.

"I know. I'm scared for the day you do."

"No-one likes her," Trott said. He and the other two had walked over to us, Trott putting his hands on the back of my chair. "Katie was in earlier and even she didn't like the bitch," Trott added.

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