06: Im a princess so bleh!

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Normal POV

Killua is walking in the hallways carrying Liana

'Why in the freaking hell did I agreed to do this?' He asked himself

Finally, he spotted the door to Liana's room

He opened the door silently and place her in her bed

"Mou.....I want a blanket" she mumbled again, Killua sighed placing a blanket above her

"Mmm......ne, this isnt my pillow, change it" she whispered again

He placed another pillow in her head and she nuzzled it

Killua turn his back and ready to leave but Liana grabbed his hand

"Mou.....im not d...done yet, wake me up tomorrow early.....so that I can piss off Killua 'kay?" She said

"The hell! so pissing me off is always a part of your plan!?" He yelled at her, she replied in a simple nod

"Will you do it for me?" She asks with a smile

"No way in hell!! You are much crazier when you sleep talk and im not doing it for you! What are you a princess?!!" He yelled again

"Im a princess so bleh!!" She stuck her tongue out

"Im still not gonna do it!" He yelled

"Give me ma blanket its so cold in here!" She yelled back

"The blanket is in top of you, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!!"

Then she started sobbing

"The hell!?! Why are you crying?!" He yelled in her

You.To.Yell.At.Me.Anymore" she cried, still sleeping

"Oi! Whats happening to you?" He asked, now worried

"Its my Aunt, she is freaking always yelling at me, abusing me, making me do hard stuff, she is saying that im just astupid brat who is just gonna spend our family's money into nothing, saying that her child deserves the heir more than me, Im always trying to say to my parents that she is hurting me but she is threathening me, I dont know what to do but...." her tears started falling, now she's awake

She get up and hugged Killua, she rested her head in his neck, still crying

"But what?" He asked, curious

"Im sorry" she whispered

"But what? Come on tell me!" He was about to shout again but he remembered her past so he just groaned

"But when I try to tell my parents, she grabbed me by the hair, started yelling at my ear and locked me in my room, she wont let me go out for three days, I sulk in my room, she is saying something that I should give up being the heiress and pass it to her daughter, the time I just get out is when my father called me and bring me here" she said hugging him tight

'I thought she is just a crazy girl that loves cats, but she is more than that, an heiress" Killua thought

"Everytime someone yelled so loud, I remember her and the things that she do, my story sucks right?" She said faking a laugh


"Im so thankful that my dad brings me here, to have fun and to met you again" she said

"If I cant control myself and yelled at you again, is it okay...?" He asked

Liana pulled away from the hug and smiled

"Maybe?" She said with a smile

That really dont answer my question so I just sweatdropped

"Yes, I am, im a princess so bleh!" She chuckled in her own will

A/N: So that is Liana's story! Im gonna kill her aunt for doing those things.....

You know, Killua cant sometimes control himself for yelling so much, so dont him.....

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