26: Truth

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(A/N: I forgot to show you guys what Akutso and Snow [Liana's cat] looks like, just look on the media and you'll know, anyway, enjoy the chapter)

Killua's POV

I woke up smelling an aroma of chocolate, I get up and went to the kitchen and saw Liana and Akutso

"Good morning!" Liana greeted

"Whats that smell?" I ask but then I realized "Chocolates~" I mummbled

Akutso placed a plate of pancakes with chocolate syrup on top in front of me, looks delicious

I started munching it of course

"Kil, how was it? Delicious?" Liana asked sitting beside me, I nodded in agreement

"What has gotten into you guys? What comes in your mind to treat me these?" I asked but they smirked

"Oh nothing" they giggled

"We just wanted to test our skills when we put it together" Liana smiled

"Thats not just for you, Baka! Thats for Gon too" Akutso said hiding a small blush on her cheek

She likes her~~

"Ohayo!!" Gon greeted entering the kitchen and Akutso served him pancakes too "Thank you, Akutso" he smiled at her

"Why dont you two join us?" I asked Liana and Akutso

"Nah im full" she smiled

But then, we heard knocking in the door "I'll get it" Liana kissed me in the cheek and went straight to the door

"I wonder who it is" Akutso mumbled

Liana's POV

I went to the door and opened it but my eyes snapped open when I saw who it was

"Where's Akutso!!!?" It was aunt Theena, Akutso's mom


"You make Akutso go with you, you are such a bad example and putting my daughter's life in danger, I mean, fighting?! She might get hurt, if she's dead then I cant claim the heir from you!! Cant you see im just using her because she is such a burden when her stupid father left me, so I think of a way, to make a use of her, Good thing I put a tracking device on her thats how I track her, so where is she" she yelled at my face again

"What?!!" I turned around and saw Akutso along with Gon and Killua

Akutso was crying "So I was a burden!? A mistake?! A way for you to claim the heir!?!!" Akutso run away

Aunt Theena glared at me
"Are you happy now?! Your daughter all wants is impress you!! To sometimes feel your love for her, and what all you wnat is the heir?! Cant you see!? Money or heir isnt important to me, guess what?! You can have it all, Theena!" I yelled at her, the way she yelled at me before

I pulled Killua and Gon's hand and we went to Akutso's direction

Akutso's POV

If thats all she can think of me, then let it be, she dont accept me at all

I wipe the tears that is falling in my eyes "Ive been wanting to impress her by letting her force me but...." I said

I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Dont worry, we'll be here for you" I heard Liana's voice

"I feel you, my mom and dad just want me to do what they want, but I broke free, and I found that freedom with my friends, now its your turn" Now, I heard Killua's voice

I lift my head and face them, they were comforting me, Gon is smiling

"Thank you"

Gon hugged me and I felt warm, Im feeling the warm that Liana is saying about Killua's warmth

I hugged back "We'll be right here for you" Gon said and I thanked him once more

But then, in that sentimental moment, I heard Liana and Killua, snickering, so I blushed

Those two.....

Gon was just so cute and innocent so he just stayed silent, me too

Liana's POV

Those two were so cute, I know that its a sentimental scene and Killua and I already ruined it but they were so cute, I cant help it but snicker

I held Killua's hand and smiled at him

He sighed while we were watching Akutso and Gon

A/N: Hello Readers!! Say, do you enjoy the special chapter last time?

Im just curious ya know!

Anyway, I made up my mind and decided that this story will be reaching 30+ chapters, I guess so yeah.....

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