23: Supposed to be a Kiss

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Akutso's POV

This is the real me, im cheerful and a happy person just like Liana

Then the stranger that I saw in Liana's portrait in her room and a black haired kid came

"Im s-sorry for suspecting that you are bad" The white haired guy said, blushing and looking away, he is a tsundere~~

"I dont know what happened but sorry too" the guy with black spiky hair said

I really wanted to meet this cute guys

"Oh oh!! Im sorry, my bad I havent introduced you to them, they are my friends" Liana smiled at me

It is really a good feeling that Liana is smiling at me, her smile has a comforting warmth

"This is Killua, my boyfriend!!" Liana cheered, so he is the boy that Liana's saying who is the assassin

I smiled while Killua is blushing "Its not official yet!!" He yelled while Liana just rolled her eyes, they look cute

"You found a nice guy there" i said to Liana and she smiled "He is sweet, sweet as chocolates and I love him" she winked and started bothering Killua

Maybe thats their way of showing how they love eachother

"Looks like Liana is busy so im just gonna introduce myself, Im Gon Freecss! I dont who you are so whats your name?" He smiled and asks me

"Im Akutso Vasconvich, Liana's cousin, nice meeting you" I bowed at him while his smile widen

"I heard the things that you said to Liana, your life must be harsh that someone is forcing you, and its a good thing that you find your happiness and freedom, but lets add friends in your happiness, you now have us!" Gon said

He consider me as a friend?

"Yeah" he smiled, I just think out loud
-_- and he hears me

"Thank you!!" I cheered and hugged him but surprisingly, he giggled then hugged back

"Oi! We will not miss the fun" Liana hugged us too

I can see that Killua rolled his eyes and walked to us hugging us too

This is one of the best moments in my life, moment that I feel free and happy that I feel comfort, a feeling that I have friends and someone to rely on


Killua's POV

Im so happy that Liana is happy

We are now at the room because it is one crazy day, Im now staring at the ceiling and laying in the bed

Liana is kicking the wall, she said she is training and I hope that she dont destroy the wall

"Lia! What the hell are you doing?! But if you keep doing noise im gonna be a zombie if I dont get sleep!!" I yelled

"Really?! I wanna see you to be a zombie that is so cool!!" She jumped and sit beside me

"Thats just an impression" I groaned

She leaned in amd gave me a peck in the nose, she giggled after that

"Why are you like that so grumpy ya little zombie!" She giggled again

"I just wanna sleep" I rolled my eyes

Then she leaned again and placed his nose on mine, she giggled again, I cant help it but blush, what has gotten into her?


I blushed even more, what the hell?!

"O-oi! Why are you moaning?! Are you drunk or something?!" I yelled even her face is just in front mine

"I dont moan, I just whispered you pervert!!" Shs beamed

Her lips got closer to mine and closer, until she was breathing right in my mouth until..........

She giggled and stood up throwing a pillow right infront of my face

That was supposed to be a kiss

Liana's POV

Killua's reaction was priceless!!

"Teaser..." he mumbled and rolled his eyes

I was just playing a little game on Killua and he loses even he dont know

Anyway, im not doing the first move on the kiss because boys should do it!! But Killua is a tsundere so I doubt that he will start it

I pout on my thought

Then he stood up and kiss me on the cheek, my eyes widened, im shocked

"Oyasumi!" He said going back to his sleep

I was just thinking that he wouldnt kiss me but he did

Did he read my mind?! The hell how?!! He just did the unexpected for a tsundere like him!!!

Oh well.....

I lay down and hug him "Oyasumi" I whispered and join him in his sleep

A/N: Greetings readers!! I gained my inspiration now because you know for some reason

Akutso bring me some inspirationz, but just some

So this story would be a little longer so yeah.....but just a little but what matters is that it does right?

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