02: This so freaking~~

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Liana's POV

Im wearing my usual clothes like a shirt and a skirt with a matching boots and I wear my pink jacket with cat ears and my hair is on braid! Im so freaking cute!!

Dad and I was at the front of a really big door, a door leading to a really big manssion

Did I say that when Dad and I are at the gate, we need to push that really heavy metal?! And after that we encounter so many person that wanted to kill us, they were about to do that but Dad said who we are and they seem to recognize us, but they will gonna kill us?!

If I didnt said it yet then yes we did!!
We freaking did!!

Now we are at in front of a big freaking door!!

Too much for the freaking words, that is so freaking bad.....

The doors suddenly opened and reavealed a big hall, tch...they were rich that is for sure

A man along with his wife greeted us, Daddy signaled me to smile so I did my most cheerful smile

"Well, is that Liana? She grew quite a lady..." I think she is named Kikyo

"Nice meeting you" I said bowing

"Gotoh!" The man named Silva said then a butler came "Please escort the young lady to her room" he said and Gotoh nodded

"You should be a good girl, im leaving now" Daddy said with a smile

He ordered me to follow Gotoh as I wave goodbye to my father

Gotoh and I are walking in the hallways that are only lighted by torches

Kinda creepy....

"Miss Liana, are you alright?" Gotoh asked

"Im fine!" I said smiling. I love to smile ^_^

"The masters said that after you fix everything in your things, you should talk to young master Killua in his room" Gotoh said

Really? Whats with the 'master' in his words??

"Sure! Where is this Killua anyway?" I asked

"His room is just beside yours, I'll escort you to go there after you finish unlogedging" he said then we stopped

He pointed his hand to a large door

"This is your room" then he pointed at the room beside it "And that is young master Killua's room"

I smiled at him and get in my room, the room is large

Hmmm.....Is this too large for me to store a thousand cats? Or a billion of chocolate balls?


After arranging my stuff, I went out of the door and again smiled at Gotoh

"Here is the way to master Killua's room" he said walking to that direction and I followed him

Killua's POV

Im munching some of my chocolates..... No, scratch that I mean, Im munching a lot of chocolates!

Then, someone knocked at my door

Damn! Im still busy on my chocolates, knock later!!

It knocked louder


And louder and louder!!


"Young master Killua, you need to open this door" I heard Gotoh's voice

I jumped on my bed and rushed to open the door to stop that noise its making!!

"What is it?" I asked, bored

"Whats taking you so long for opening the door?" Why is he asking questions like that??He aint the boss of me

"Im busy"

"Busy of what?"

"Of chocolates, and uh....Gotoh, can you serve me more" i said

Then I heard laughing from his side, its a girl with golden eyes

Must be a rich kid to have golden eyes, but the hell I freaking care??!!

The girl just keep on laughing making me and Gotoh to stare at her, well I glared at her!

"Uhm.....sorry, its so cute of you to be munching chocolates that'll make you busy" she said, smiling

Who the hell is she??

"Master, he is the girl that your dad is talking about, the girl that needs to get along with you.....and you cant push her away or make her leave, its her mission to be with you" Gotoh said

This girl? If she keeps laughing at my precious chocolates then I'll rip her freaking heart!!

"Ne Killua! Im Liana! Nice meeting you!!" She said and smiled cheerfully, tsk....this girl really loves to
smile, huh?

"Yeh....nice meeting you too" I said

"Im gonna get those chocolates for you master Killua" Gotoh said, leaving

"Hey snowman! Nah, I meant vanilla boy! I like your hair its soooo cute!" She said staring at my hair

"Im not vanilla boy!! Its killua you freaking cat ears!!" I noticed her cat ears

"I love cats, bye~bye" she said following Gotoh "Im gonna get chocolates too" she said

Ugh....that girl, what was her name again??

A/N: There!! They met eachother, Liana is so freaking cute!!

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