Chapter 1

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I plugged my headphones into my iPod and closed my eyes. Bad Idea. I walked a few minutes, eyes closed, and ran into someone, falling onto the ground.
"Oh my gods I am so so so sorry!" I said, jumping up to help the man I had run into pick up his things, which had fallen out of his arms when I ran into him. "It's okay, it's my fault." I swore I had heard that voice before.
"No, no,  I was walking with my eyes closed, a-and..." I stuttered to a stop, looking up into the stunningly blue eyes of the man I had run into. His emerald green hair was mussed up a bit from falling and on his face was a huge smile. I knew him, I know I knew him, but in my surprise my mind drew a blank. "I said its fine." He said, grinning an amazing grin. I picked up the last of his stuff and gave it to him. "I'm really really sorry,... I'm sorry, what's your name?"
"Sean." He said, holding his hand out.
I shook it. "Y/n." I said. That name sounds familiar! And his face... I've seen it somewhere before! I know-
"Pretty name." Sean said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blushed bright red. "Oh, thanks... W-well I should be getting on my way." I said, "Nice meeting you Sean" I smiled, starting to walk away. "WAIT." Sean called after me, running up and pressing a piece of paper in my hand. "Call me, okay?" I nodded and blushed, smiling hugely. I was starting to develop a HUGE schoolgirl crush on Sean, even though we just met. 

*edit* all of the comments are that his hair is green not blonde and if you want me to change the words since i wrote this story before it was dyed just comment below "change to green" and if i get 10 i will change all blonde to green.

**edit of an edit** I got enough requests so I am changing all the blonde/browns to green ^-^ you're welcome!

Warning: You might fall in love with me (JackSepticEye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now