Chapter 7

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"Here we are!" I sang, pulling Sean inside the bakery. It was empty except for us and a pair of teen girls in the booth across the bakery. I inhaled and sighed. The smells of bread and fresh baked goods wafted around me and I hugged Sean. "It smells so yummy, doesn't it Sean?" Sean nodded and stuck his nose in the air. "It smells fucking incredible!" Sean said. We walked up to the counter and the woman at the till's jaw dropped. "You-you're Jacksepticeye!" She stuttered. The till-girl Fangirled for a moment, but then she gathered herself, smiled a big smile and said, "What can I get you today?" Sean and I smiled back, and ordered.

We both got coffee and a baked good. We sat down at a table and started talking. I don't really remember what we were talking about. I bit into my Eclair and he sipped his coffee.

"You've got some eclair on your nose." Sean smiled and leaned in close, wiping the imaginary spec off my nose and tilting his head, bringing it closer until our lips met. He tasted like the cookie he had been eating, and I felt a spark between us. It felt wonderful, like floating on air. We kissed for a few seconds, then pulled apart. We were in a coffee shop, after all.

"That was.. heavenly." I said, taking his hand and holding it in mine.

"That concludes our date." Sean said mischievously pulling me out of the chair and leading me towards the door, "But we can continue this at my house... nothing sexual , we don't know each other nearly enough, but the kissing was nice."

Warning: You might fall in love with me (JackSepticEye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now