Percy POV

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Percy POV

After I teleported away from mount Olympus I got REALLY mad. Which, I have to say, isn't unusual for me. Thalia and Nico ran toword me and wasted no time, they dashed me off to my personal training room.

It wasn't enough.

As I have told you my training room is IMPOSSIBLE to demolish, but I did.

When it exploded I didn't know where to go, but I knew I was hungry. So I asked myself what I was craving, I was craving Chinese, so, natrually, I went to China.

Once I got there I was amazed, there was so many people there! It was incredible! I saw this neat little cafe' and sat down. Dont get me wrong I was still unbelievably mad, but I was good at burying it deep down and somewhat hiding my anger, as I have told you, I've had tonse of practice.

I was thinking about all that had happened on Olympus and why I must go back to Chaos' planet eventually when a girl with her hair in pigtails, wearing a cute little wiatress dress skipped over and asked me what I wanted to eat, I told her I wanted, orange chicken and white rice, and she skipped off giggling. I kept thinking about Thalia and Nico's worried faces, and how they got to Chaos' planet...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Perseus Jackson" Chaos' voice came over the intercom in my personal training room. "Will you please come to my office, I must ask you something."

 " Why did you call me here?" I asked

"Well, I know that you have been a little bit lonely here so I was wondering if you wanted me to bring Nico and Thalia here to join my army. I have looked into thier past and they are perfect to join the army, and they have been abandoned to. Not to the derastic level that you have, but to a certain level that not many would care if they disapeared." Chaos answered me. I thought about it, on one side they were my friends and i wouldnt be lonely anymore, but on the other side they had abandoned me for my brother like the rest of them.

"Yes, I think that would be great." I agreed.

"Okay, I'll go get them now." He said before teleporting away.

A few minutes later Chaos popped up infront of me followed by Thalia and Nico, who looked like they were going to be sick.

"Ughh" Thalia said, while holding her stomach.

"Agreed" Nico said, he to was holding his stomach. They were glaring  at the ground, like it was the grounds fault they felt sick. Just then Thalia's head shot up and she looked right at me. Her eyes widened, and she gasped. Nico noticed and looked up, his eyes also grew and he stuttered "P-P-Percy?"

"Who else could it be, death breath?" I wanted to go up and hug them, but I also wanted to turn around and leave, I just couldnt decide which I wanted to do more.

" I- we are so sorry Percy" Thalia corrected herself "Nico and I didnt mean those things, I dont even know what I was thinking! Please forgive us!" Thalia begged, and I dont know if you know this but Thalia never begs, NEVER. So if she is begging that means she is truley very sorry.

"I forgive you, both of you. Do you guys wanna go train?" I asked as their let out a breath and let thier shoulders sag.

" Sure" They said in unison.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girl came back with my food, I quickley scarfed it down, and left the money I owed on the table. I was about to teleport back to planet Chaos when I saw Enchidna, the mother of all monsters, picking on some demigods I didnt recognize. I had to help them, there was no way they could take, they each looked 13, maybe and scared out of thier wits. I snuck up behind her and easily cut off her head, but before she dissinagrated, she let out this horrible shriek, and I knew she was calling for reinforcments.

I turned to the three kids, all girls. "Get out of here, fast." They emmidiatley turned around and ran. And as soon as they had left about 500 monsters showed up. And of course I was right next to the great wall of china so I couldnt go anywhere, considering they were coming from all sides. All I had to do though was use what I call, my sonic yell. So as soon as they were in hearing distance I yelled as loud as I could. On the bright side, all the monsters exploded, but on the bad side so did the great wall of china.

Sorry this chapter kinda sucked, but I am really tired. I hope you liked it though, and I would love it if you commented. Im not gonna ask you to vote, cause thats your choice and I dont want anyone voting just because I asked, but I will ask you to comment how you thought it was! Hopefully I'll update soon! :-D Sooooooooooooooo sorry for any miss spelled words and such!

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