Thalia POV

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Thalia POV

I was pacing around and muttering to myself about how Percy was stupid for leaving like he did and also about how when I was him I would punch him in the stomach, hard. Of 'course that's not what happened when I saw him, and I knew that I could never do that to him, not after my betraying him and all, but it was still nice to think about.

All of a sudden I heard a pop, I wouldn't have noticed if all my training hadn't sharpened my sences, but I heard it all the same. I quickly turned and dashed over to Percy. Of 'course I was still a tad angry at him but, but holding grudges isn't my thing, it's Nico's.

Throwing my arms around him and nussiling my head in his chest, I sighed. This moment was so perfect I could have cried, and Thalia Grace does not cry. Never. The only time I had ever truly cried, and when I say cry I mean heartbroken sobbing, was when I realized that my actions, along with many others, had led to Percy disappearing. Which is when I went out to look for him, joining Nico along the way. I don't think that my feelings for Percy were really clear to me before he had disappeared. But they are now, and now I understand why so many people turn down the hunters of Artemis for love so often. It's wonderful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it all roses and smiley faces, not at all, but just the feeling that somebody out there cares enough to risk their life for is enough to send me into a happy bliss. Not that I ever want kelp head, or should I say 'peeper'. The only reason I call him that is he loves the stars, and sometimes will take out a telescope to look at them, and one time this lady, I think her name was Merania (weird name right) and she had saw Percy, but thought that instead of looking at stars he was trying to peep into windows. It was really very funny, she went over to him and started screaming about how perverted he was. She had eventually calmed down and Percy explained to her that he was looking at stars and even let her look through the telescope to see what was pointed at. But anyway back to what I was saying. Not that I ever want percy to risk his life for me, not ever, but the thought that someone cares enough to do so is somewhat comforting. Now you may be wondering if percy and I are dating. That answer would be no, sadly. I know that he likes me more than a friend, and I obviously feel the same but I need him to come to me, just to know for sure.

My mental musings were interrupted though by Nico saying something about being left out then him throwing his arms around us. Don't get me wrong, I love Nico like my own brother, but at the moment I wanted go all 'soccer mom' on him. I was angry at him for ruining the moment, but hid it well.

Throwing an arm around him as well, we all group hugged. We all separated and I started to interrogate Percy. "Where were you Perseus?" I asked with venom in my voice. He flinched as I said his full name, and I felt a twinge of guilt, but not enough to stop myself from stepping forward and slapping him across the face. I heard a loud SMACK! I turned away in shame.

Chaos would have been furious with me, had he been there. But I had heard him teleport away when I was asking Percy where he had been. I turned back to see Percy's incredulous face. I could see in his eyes that he was angry and guilty, but most of all hurt. I knew that my slap hadn't caused him much pain, but the fact that I had slapped him in the first place had emotionally hurt him. And I felt terrible.

"None of your business." He said, then turned on his heel and speed walked to the palace. I felt a little hurt that he didn't tell me where he had been, but I knew I deserved it. I saw the strawberry red hand print on him cheek, my hand print.

Nico looked at me, his eyes burning into my soul. "Why did you do that?" He asked with barely controlled rage. I knew this would happen. Ever since Percy had forgiven us for betraying him a Nico had felt responsible for Percy. I know that sounds funny, with Percy being 4 years older, but Nico was way more mature and a little taller that him, not by much maybe half an inch, but all the same if you saw them next to each other you would think that Nico was older, so he mostly played the 'older brother' role. Unless Nico was in danger during a fight, then you could definatly tell who was older. But no one was in danger now, except me.

"I-I don't know" I managed.

"That isn't good enough! You know what he has been through! You know how hard it was to earn back his trust! Don't you remember what had happened before he left! If not then I'll remind you, you had called him a thief and dishonorable then slapped him! Same cheek to! That's what he is probably thinking about now!" I hadn't even thought of that. About the night that I had said those untrue things and then hit him. The night I realized how wrong I was. The last night I saw him at camp half-blood. I felt horrible. Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked at Nico.

"I-I forgot about that. I need to go apologize!" I was about to run to the direction that Percy had went, but Nico stopped me.

"No! I'll go talk to him first, I don't want him to get mad then do something he'll regret."

"Don't be stupid Nico! This is Percy! He would never hurt me!"

"Not physically, no. But he could say something he doesn't meant." Nico pointed out. I didn't like it, but he had a point, if Percy said something hateful to me, I don't think I could handle that. Even if I knew he didn't mean it.

"Alright, fine. You win, just be fast." I said, as he ran off to find Percy. Hopefully he would forgive me.

I know it wasn't what you were expecting, and for that I'm super sorry! But I have a lot going on at the moment, so this is mostly a filler. I promise I will update the next chapter as soon as possible, and that on will really get the story plot going but here is just a little drama. So excited for House of Hades! I have a feeling that Nico will die though, considering the line in the profecy that says 'An oath to keep with a final breath' and he had promised percy to get them to the house of hades. But I just want to say that if Nico does die, I will keep Nico in this story. But anyway sorry for the delay! Next chappie will be a lot better hopefully!

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