Chaos POV

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Chaos POV

 Percy stared me down, as if trying to draw the secrets out of me. I didn't want to send him down to earth any more then he wanted to go, but in this case I had no choice.

"You must go down to earth." He looked at me blankly. "And reveal yourself, along with everyone else."

"When," He asked, dangerously calm.

"Now." I didn't do very well with human emotions, but I could tell he was just a tad more than furious.

"You promised." That stung, I had never regreted anything in my whole life more then this, not even the time I created Gaea, and I most deffinatly regreted that.

"I know I promised, and I wish I didnt have to do this but I have no choice. We need them to trust us and they trust you. So please dont make this harder then this needs to be." I winced, knowing that i had said the wrong thing.

"Make this easier for you." His tone was dangerous. "MAKE THIS EASIER FOR YOU! How could you say that! This isn't going to be hard for you! Your going to sit up here and watch us die for you, just like the gods! I had one request and you ignored it! i asked for nothing else! NOTHING!" The wind was blowing harshly, papers flying everywhere and lightning striking outside the giant dark windows, which in itself was wierd considering we are in space and lightning doesnt even exist in space!

"I know, and I wish I didn't have to do this but I do not have a choice in this, now please do this for me." I was on the verge of begging now.

"Fine, I will but just because I agreed doesn't mean that I am still not furious with you." He then turned swiftly on his heel and half walked half jogged out of the room, slamming the ginormous doors on the way out.

I may have just ruined the trust that Percy had in me. 

I know its short but I have the next to chapters already written and i will post one tommorrow and the other on Friday. Happy super bowl day!

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