Accursed thorned rose:

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* look for queue to play the song *

You wouldn't have expected your life to end up under anyone else's control, under their will, or be an object of affection for creatures of the night. No, never. But this has happened before, repeatedly throughout history. If you had recollection, you'd reckon you'd be used to it by now. You can look at having no memory of past times a gift, or a curse, but all in all, you're damned. If only... If only you hadn't been a cliché young and reckless girl. Maybe then, your lineage would have been spared a couple centuries more from a vampires enslavement. And you could've saved yourself from a vampires cruel, sadistic, and endless love.

~ Day of your entrapment ~

"Anriii, you know I'm in no high spirits, why would you tell the others that I would go before even consulting me?" You were angry but more tired than anything.

"Look, I'm your best friend, I think I know when something will end up leaving you in 'high spirits', when initially you came with none! It'll be spooky and funn! C'mon, Halloween is right around the corner, what better way to get in the mood than camping in woods infested with creatures of the night!" She tries to sound convincing, lucky for her, she does.

"You know I can't pass something like that down... But why today, I just want to sleep and that's it! And I still need to pack since this is such a late notice, thanks by the way. So I won't even get to nap..." You whine into the phone dramatically. Even though you're more serious than one would assume.

"Aha! See, I knew you would budge! But I know, I know, sorry. I think once you're there, your sleepy haze will fade away. Maybe you'll even get so spooked, you won't want to sleep at all?!" Anri teases me.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, it better Anri. Or else I'll just sleep through the whole camping trip. Three days right?" I ask to double check.

"Mhmn, three days. I'll leave you so you can get to packing. I still need to finish too. I'll pick you up around three thirty. We don't want it to be dark out when we set up camp. See you then!"

*Sighs* I'm probably going to end up regretting this, but for the time being, it sounds pretty fun. I've always wanted to go to those woods. So many stories and myths come from them. I remember vaguely entering them as a child but, mom scooped me up before I could delve further. It's been a whole year since mom and dad passed in that car crash... Yet every night's like the first. Anyways, before I get teary eyed, what to pack..?

~ After camp set up ~

"Phewww. See (y/n), it didn't take that long?!" Anri's happy go lucky attitude clouds yours.

"Yeah, we got here at four forty-five and we just finished. The time is now; six fifty three PM. We don't even have time to do anything now, Anri." You explain tiredly.

"Hey (y/n), didn't you say you wanted to sleep though? So doesn't this work out in your favor." Amy counters while setting her sleeping bag up. While the other three girls agree with her.

"Yes well, I was ready to do stuff. But now that you mention it, sleep does sound like a good option. I'll be in my tent if you all need anything." You say calmly, they all nod and tell you goodnight already.

"Don't worry (y/n), we'll definitely do something fun tomorrow, you can pick what." Anri chimes happily as you walk off, you throw your hand up and motion it around as to say 'yeah, got it.'

~ Midnight ~

You've been asleep since seven, the others didn't sleep until ten. You hear strange cracking noises outside the tent, which ends up making you wake up after a while. You check your phone and you read your lock screen, it reads- 12:03 AM. You work up the courage to go check it out.

* queue to play the song *

After a few minutes of scouting the general area surrounding the tents, you head back to your own, until a glow in the corner catches your eyes. You slowly turn your head in case it was something you'd rather not see. But instead, it was what seemed to be a group of beautiful fireflies of some sort. You were mesmerized by them so you followed them deeper into the woods without fully realizing it. As you're in awe by their gentle glow, you hear a loud crack emit from directly behind you, and that was enough to snap you out of your daze. You jumped and then ran forward - anywhere as fast as you could. At first you thought you overreacted, but as you slowed down, the cracks and snaps of twigs with fallen leaves would follow closely behind. You looked back, curious as to what in hell was chasing you: a devious friend, a psychopath, or some creature that shouldn't exist in real life. As you turned, you saw nothing, literally. Everything behind you, was enveloped in blackness. Your eyes widen in terror, and just as you're about to return to looking forward, you find yourself running through a large bush of some sort. With twisted vines and some sort of flower you didn't care to look at. But it smelt like roses. You confirmed this by being pricked multiple times by thorns.

After you trudged your way out of the thorny mess, you were covered in small scratches oozing blood. Legs, arms, even on your cheek and forehead. Thanks to wearing a loose white satin gown with shorts underneath. It wasn't very practical for a camp trip but, you were in a rush and grabbed any nightwear. And now you're covered in minuscule cuts. "Damn..."

You keep walking forward a short distance, afraid to turn around and face that nothingness that consumed everything you saw that wasn't straight ahead. You didn't know how far you ran away. Or for how long. All you knew is that you were scared, and you needed to escape whatever was chasing you. Upon closer inspection, you saw the outline of an old mansion or manor.

And once you stood close enough to where it was clear in front of you, you were suddenly overtaken by an immense desire to go towards the manor even more. You were now entranced, thoughtlessly going to the manor. The closer you got to the manor, the quicker your wounds closed up, the longer your hair got, and the redder your lips became. You didn't know how this was happening, it just was. And all you wanted to do, was reach the manor.

As soon as you reached the door, you immediately pushed it open. And a small gust of wind hits your body, sending shivers down your spine. Without you flinching, the door closes behind you. You continue to aimlessly and mindlessly wonder throughout the manor. And for an unknown reason, you're compelled to a certain room, filled with books and random trinkets.

You somehow ended back in the main foyer. About the go out the door until, you feel a presence behind your own. Suddenly, you're grabbed harshly by your waist and turned to meet the culprit. Still in a trance like state you pay no mind to this person, black hair and ruby red eyes.

His eyes widen for only a moment, he then takes in all your features. Your quickly healing wounds, your growing hair and your reddening lips. Your hair stopped its random and rapid growth around your bum area. And your lips were the most natural shade of red your lips could be without a makeup product. And your wounds, now non-existent.

The man doesn't know how he knows you, but there's something here. A connection, a bond, a familiarity between you two. He lifts up your head with his finger abruptly, and whispers, "Ophelia...?" And without thought collides his lips with yours passionately, as he gets carried away he nibbles on your lip with his fangs, breaking the skin. One taste of your blood and his head shoots back a bit, his eyes take on a glow, and his heart beats only once... Painfully, but then wonderfully. Like pain and pleasure at once. The taste was savory, sweet yet spicy somehow, he reveled in the taste, yet each taste made his heart throb and twinge with pain... And remembrance? 

As you stand there still motionless, like a beautiful little doll, he caresses your face and then begins to loose his balance. And as do you. He falls to the floor blacked out, and you, next to him. Before becoming Unconscious, you hear talking of more people. You're unaware of the trap you just walked into...

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