No Name yet so it's story #1

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A/N still in editing, the '()' mean that I need to check that part. 

Also I know it starts off slow and may be a bit boring, so please if you have any ideas to help me improve in this story or as a writer please just message me or comment - Gracie xx


I walked into the paddock the frost bitten grass crunching under my beaten boots. This is it; this is the day I leave. No more living in hell. I breathed, mist curling through the cold morning air. I walked towards the middle of the paddock where the only tree in the whole paddock stood, it was an old oak with wide spread branches and a thick knobby trunk.

I began to climb up until I was where branches separated; there was a small hollow where I had hidden my supplies over the past week in between my endless chores and the horrible deeds.

I quickly began to take everything down to the oaks base. By the time I had finished the sun was on the horizon. I took out my small bag of sharpred I swiped of my fake father’s desk. I divided it in to groups of three putting one group in my left boot, another in my saddle bag and the rest back in to the small bag tying it to my belt.

I did my classic bird call and I soon hear the soft patter of a horses hooves of my ice white horse with black tips as dark as the night sky on a new moon. A small smile caressed my lips as she quietly nickered.

“Good morning Destiny” I said in a slight whisper. I put on her tack; a tattered blanket with a worn brown leather saddle and matching bridle and saddle bags. The rusted iron in the tack glistened with droplets of dew. I covered her feet to muffle the sound of her hooves. On the saddle I tied my sleeping blanket and saddle bags in them held a needle and thread, a map of the surrounding towns, some food including dried meat, spare clothes, my water skin, matches, small 10cm dagger and a knife sharpener. I put on my shoulder bag with my most valuables in it; my real fathers journal filled with survival information, fighting tips and few mixtures of medicines, my mother’s clear blue sapphire droplet necklace and soft leather gloves and a small journal of my own. I pulled out the gloves and put them on. The worn leather was comforting.

I swung up in to the saddle landing with a slight thud! I winced as I felt Destiny jump with the sudden movement. I squeezed my legs very gently thinking walk and Destiny replied with a fast but steady pace, also wanting to get away from this dreadful place.

I was a little way down the road with I heard the first bird of the day, it’s call was almost exactly like an alarm (clock), well at least an alarm (clock) for me.


It was midday when I decided to stop for lunch, I found a small clearing taking out a few of the fruits stashed in my saddle bags and my water skin. I walk over to the small creek on the right side of the clearing and fill up my water skin with the icy clear liquid, taking a few mouthfuls straight from the creek. I feed Destiny an apple and had one myself I quickly retied my water skin back to the saddle and then took out my small map. I was still a few km away from the next village. Mounting once again I took off in the direction I was pretty sure was the right way.

The sun was starting to set as the village came in to view. It was in a small scattered square with only a few groups of buildings around the out skirts. I slowed Destiny in to a walk and entered the village. I located the stable and tied destiny up in one of the empty stalls paying the stable hand a few coins to pay for the accommodation. On my way out when he called out to me,

“When will you be back?” he suddenly stopped himself, as if not trusting the question enough “I mean… when will you be back to pick up your horse?”

“I’ll be by early morning to pick her up, can you please fill her hay bucket and feed(…  )if that doesn’t stop you from doing your other chores.” I shot a quick smile his way, curtsied and walk off to what sounded like an inn, or at least that’s was I think it was called. I followed the shouting and music hoping I was going the right way. I arrived and two large wooden doors, I was about to go in when two men barged out still carrying the half full mugs of ale and sing a tune too blurred to even decipher. I pushed through the doors as they continued to sway and sing down the alley. The inn was small with a bar and about six tables but was still packed with people singing off tune to the band playing in the corner. I walk over to the bar getting the tall blonde girl’s attention.

“Hello, umm… do you happen to have any spare rooms open?”

“Can you wait a few minutes?” she walked to the backroom not waiting for an answer to her question. She walks out with a key saying “3rd door on the left, room number 4. That is if you have the money?”

“How much for one night?” I say taking out my bag of sharpred.

“3 shards per person, per night” I paid her and she handed me the small key. I then went up to the room she directed me to. I unlocked the door to find a small room with one bed, a low table and a torn cushion. I kick of my boots and lay down in the bed trying to rest with my bag and dagger hugged close to my chest and door locked trying to block out the chanting of songs downstairs, I soon gave up and decided to consult my map. I trailed my finger along the back roads mapping out where I would be safe for the next night and where to stop for water before, in the end I chose to follow the south roads heading to a small village settled in between the mountain range of the crossing where a tunnel through the mountain were the three borders crossed. Everything was suddenly quite down stairs. I tiptoed to the window and peered out, the queens own guards horses were tied up outside. With a carriage looking like the one I’ve seen sketched in my father’s book. I took this moment like I always do with something I’ve only seen something new, I grabbed my journal and started sketching the horses with their almost gleaming leather and green and grey robes, I sketched the carriage with it’ curtains and colour’s matching the rest of the convoys, that’s when I heard a knock on the door. I turned sharply, leaving my journal and pencil down on the desk. Shaky, I walk taking the few steps across the room tiding my skirt and hair, I opened the door just before the guard knocked again, almost hit me in the head with his hand. I swallowed “yes?” my voice almost coming out in a whisper,

The guard took me in “may I come in?” his voice was deep and rough.

“Yes… yes sir” I said gaining confidence. I stepped aside hastily and closed the door quietly behind him, when I turned to face him he had helped himself to the desk chair and gazed at my open journal with the new sketches. I moved to pick it up and put it away with the pencil slid in next to it. “So am I aloud to ask why you came here tonight?” I finally say trying to break the silence that had taken the room by force; I sat on the bed next to my bag and now hidden dagger. I finally was able to see him in full light; he had a tall, slender build with slicked back black hair and brown eyes. He pulled out a drawing of a man with messy red hair, misty green eyes and three scars on his left cheek and anther two scars on his eyebrow. “That man has gone missing with the queens first advises…” he paused swallowing “papers”

“And may I ask what papers?” I said curiosity growing at why he had paused.

“Sorry, it’s kind of complicated” he spat out as if discussed with my question. “We’re just wondering if you’ve seen him.”

I was already shaking my head “no sorry, never seen him”

“Too bad, please report if you do see him, we need those papers” he paused again, “urgently” he got up snatching the picture out of my hands and let’s himself out without a word. How rude. I took out my sketch book again and sketched the man in the picture and the guard with his uniform. I locked my door once again and lay back down in bed with my bag and dagger once again and slept. I dreamt of the messy red head and his eyes, there is something about those misty green eyes that wasn’t right.

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