Chapter #2 (part 2)

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about time? ahah hope you guys enjoy. I have slightly started to get over my major writers block, any sugestions for this story?

anyhow ENJOY! xx - Gracie


I swallow choosing my next words carefully, “this little lady indeed is unknowing, but a man like you should know better than not to teach a lady the rules...”

He smirked at my statement “indeed I do, but where’s the fun it that?” He lifted his nose and smelled his surroundings, Destiny uneasily shifted on her feet twitching her ears around nervously and taking large nose-fulls of air.

“Easy girl, easy” I say softly to her trying not to act nervous myself there was obviously something loud coming. I turn to see the man grinning at me,

“if you know what’s good for you, you’ll say nothing” he gave me one last look before he changed back into wolf form and bolted into the left side of the track.

I decided very quickly I didn’t want to be there when the loud thing got here and urged Destiny into the bush. I was glad Destiny was sure footed and knew not to run too close to trees. I held on a watched as the tangled woods became darker and lusher as water was still clinging to the air.

I pulled back on the reins a little and Destiny slowed down into a walk. “Good girl” I say as I lean over and pat her neck.

I gazed upward… where the hell are we?  All I could see was the dark entanglement of leaves, branches and vines with small specks of light hardly getting though. Damn it, now how am I supposed to know how to get to the next town by night fall? I hear a roar in the distance and decide that I may as well get to cover before it comes after my trail. I softly click Destiny to walk into the opposite direction of the roaring.


It was way too dark and way too wet by the time I found a cave, it had started to pour late in the afternoon. I walked Destiny into the cave thankful for its large entrance – I would of hated to leave Destiny out there. I swallow choosing my next words carefully, “this little lady indeed is unknowing, but a man like you should know better than not to teach a lady the rules...”

He smirked at my statement “indeed I do, but where’s the fun it that?” He lifted his nose and smelled his surroundings, Destiny uneasily shifted on her feet twitching her ears around nervously and taking large nose-fulls of air.

“Easy girl, easy” I say softly to her trying not to act nervous myself there was obviously something loud coming. I turn to see the man grinning at me,

“if you know what’s good for you, you’ll say nothing” he gave me one last look before he changed back into wolf form and bolted into the left side of the track.

I decided very quickly I didn’t want to be there when the loud thing got here and urged Destiny into the bush. I was glad Destiny was sure footed and knew not to run too close to trees. I held on a watched as the tangled woods became darker and lusher as water was still clinging to the air.

I pulled back on the reins a little and Destiny slowed down into a walk. “Good girl” I say as I lean over and pat her neck.

I gazed upward… where the hell are we?  All I could see was the dark entanglement of leaves, branches and vines with small specks of light hardly getting though. Damn it, now how am I supposed to know how to get to the next town by night fall? I hear a roar in the distance and decide that I may as well get to cover before it comes after my trail. I softly click Destiny to walk into the opposite direction of the roaring.


It was way too dark and way too wet by the time I found a cave, it had started to pour late in the afternoon and everything, and everywhere was wet. I walked Destiny into the cave thankful for its large entrance – I would have hated to leave Destiny out there.

I dismounted Destiny and walked her farther into the cave. I untacked her and dried her as best as I could with my shaky hands.

I rolled out my bed mat and tried to put on as many layers as I could to try and get to sleep. I clutched my dagger and bag to my chest and Destiny laid down behind me. I smile to myself knowing she wouldn’t leave me for the world.

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