Chapter #2 (Part 1)

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A/N having wirters block sorry, but I thought is was about time for another update so here you go! enjoy!



I woke up before day break the next morning my head still reeling from the endless dreams. I roll out of bed and slip my feet immediately in to my boots gather my things and walk down stairs.

The main part of the inn was a mess, every one sleeping everywhere and with anyone; I walk past the mounds of sleeping bodies and trip… Bang! I turn around in shock with my dagger already pulled out for defence. The man merely just yawned and turned over pulling his hand in and tucking it under his head.

I sighed putting my dagger away and continuing out the doors on to the street. Now being able to see up and down the street in day light this town was quite but thriving. Already there were men and women around the street setting up their stalls and preparing for the day. I walk along the street looking at all the different wondrous things in each of the stalls being greeted kindly in each. By the time I made it to the stables I could see that Destiny had already been tended to and brushed.

“Good morning Destiny” I say as she sticks her head over the rope and nickers, “who was the lovely person whom tended to you already?” I feel silent eyes on my back, I turn to see if it was only my mind playing tricks on me, when there peering out from behind the corner of the door was the young boy ,

“hello miss” he says quietly appearing out from behind the door.

I smile, “I’m impressed, and how’d you even get close enough to touch her let alone brush her?”

The boy brightened up by smiling and obviously gaining confidence “well you see miss, my papa used to always say I have a way with animals. Though I didn’t think I did until a few more riders that came through here also told me that. I was never one to trust my papa’s word” I smile again and give him a few more sharpred,

“to say thank you for your help”.

I then tacked up Destiny and attached my saddle bags and blanket. Mounting her I say good bye to the stable hand vowing to draw him in my journal tonight.


I was a few hours down the road when a large dog with pointed ears and bushy fur came bolting out from the low laying branches on either side of the road. The wolf hurled around me and Destiny stopping to take me and Destiny in; being able to see the wolf fully now I could see that it had a messy orange coat tipped well with mud and misty green eyes. The wolf huffed and started to grow taller and shedding his fur to show the flesh of a human underneath its mussel shortened to reveal a human nose and a devilish smile. It was now very obvious that the dog or now human was, in fact, a male. He straightened up facing me head on, picking his head up and catching my eye.

“Hello little lady, what brings you to my lands?” he had a sly voice to match with his devilish mouth, “little lady like you should know not to stray far from home” he had a way of saying his words that make you want the ground to open up and swallow you whole with each pause or tilt of his head he would drag and delay his words as if trying to test his next unlucky pray.

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