Chapter 2

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"Kakarot" Goku said confused 

"Kumiko" I said at the same time as Goku just as confused.

"Thats right those are your names" He said matter-of-factly

"They names" Bulma,Master Roshi and Krillian murmered

"Who is this"Krillian said to Goku and I. He added "He must be nuts"

"Kakarot, Kumiko what have you been doing here all these years. Your mission was to terminate all life here. Why haven't you carried it out" The man said

Goku gave a confused look and looked back at me but i had the same look.

"Listen Mr. i don't know who you are but obviously you have the wrong people" Krillian said while walking infront of me and Gokuand started making sho gestures "Sho-Sho. I think you've been dippin' in the egg nog allow me to esquart you off this island"

The man's eye divice started beeping the closer Krillian came to him and he looked like he was getting ready to strick so I yelled out along with Goku "Krillian look out" but it was too late.

Krillian was sent flying back by the man and crashed into the house "KRILLIAN" Goku and I yelled then looked back at the man to see he had a...TAIL WHAT!!!

"A tail" Goku said shocked as the man was swaying a tail around

" I don't believe it he has a tail too" Goku said which i held Gohan a bit tighter for.

"That's good i was wondering how long it would take you both to reconnise me" The man said

"What are you talking about I've never seen you before" I said for Goku and I. I lokked at Goku to confirm this and he nodded.

"Kumiko, Kakarot you's mean to tell me that you's have no Idea who I am" The man asked as i gave Gohan to Bulma to hold him.

"I don't know who this Kakarot or Kumiko people your looking for but we not them" Goku said

"My names Goku and this is Nova" he said pointing to me. I nodded

"What happened to you both?" The man said. Gohan jumped away from Bulma and ran to Goku and said "Daddy" while Goku tried to push him back.

"Kakarot and Kumiko did you's ever suffer a serious injury to the head's while you both were young" The man asked Me and Goku.

"What" Goku said continuing to try and push Gohan away

"When you both were kids did you's ever hit your heads" The man said simpliar as Bulma successfully grabbed Gohan from Goku's legs.

"DID YOU HEAR ME"The man shouted so I stepped in

"Yes we did although i don't remember it very well and neither does Goku your right, we both head our heads when we were children" i said

"You stupid fouls you've both forgotten"He said

"We've forgot what tell us" Goku shouted angryly

"Goku, Nova theres something your Gandpa Gohan told me that i think you both should know" Master Roshi said which caught everyone's attentions "Long ago your Grandpa Gohan was walking through the woods one day when he came upon 2 craters which both had been resently made up in the ground but when he went to examine them more closely he found what sorted to be like 2 spaceships and next to them there you both were in seperate round pods. Gohan tried to take care of both of you but you's were down right wild and uncontrollable and unusually powerful for babies you both wanted nothing to do with Gohan's kindness. Then one day there was a terrible accident you both fell into a deep ravine were you's both seriously injured you heads. When you's recovered you's were both happy, loving children."He finished

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