Chapter 26

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Lily's PoV:

"Lily, let's go!" Simon shouted from downstairs. I looked in the mirror once more and took a deep breath. In my black ripped jeans and burgundy sidemen jumper, I grabbed my bag and skipped downstairs to see Simon - my boyfriend - smiling with his bag in his hand, and the guys surrounding us with tired expressions. I hugged them all individually and went over to Josh, thanking him for everything. "It couldn't have gone any better." I had told him, and it wasn't a lie. Last night was perfect. I hugged him before moving to Harry. I ruffled his hair and hugged him.

"Come home soon." He told me. Home.

"I will. I promise." I smiled hugging him tightly. I let him go and stepped backwards so I could see everyone, my best friends. "Thank you again guys. I love you all, and merry Christmas." I said sadly. They nodded and mumbled their merry Christmases back. Simon opened the front door and I walked out, followed by my boyfriend who skipped to my car and opened the boot, taking my bag with him and placing it in. I got into the drivers seat and took another deep breath. I felt Simon grab my hand and squeeze it. I smiled and started the engine, the beginning to drive down the road.

"I missed you, you know. A lot." Simon told me. I sighed and looked towards him and then back at the road. His expression was unreadable. What was it, anger? sadness? happiness? I didn't know.

"Yeah. I know, I missed you too. I still watched all of your videos." I admitted. "It was hard, and most of the time it made me upset but I couldn't not watch them. You were a lot quieter in them, was that because of me?" I asked sadly, still looking between him and the road.

"Yeah actually, you were never off of my mind. Do you know how many times I got flirted with?" He joked and I rolled my eyes smiling. "But I didn't do anything, I couldn't, I just didn't want to." Even though I felt sorry for him, I was still quite happy that he didn't do anything. The thought of Simon with anyone else made me feel ill.

"I'm sorry I left you." I sighed.

"You didn't have a choice, and I'm glad you did. It meant you got to spend more time with your family." He's voice softened and I nodded.

"That's why I'm glad we're doing this. Just you, me, and my parents. Maybe you can even meet my friends..." My voice trailed off as I thought of him. Him. George. "Wait, you said you knew one of them, George. How?" I looked to Simon and his small smile dropped.

"Oh that's not important." He said through gritted teeth, he clearly didn't like him. "It would be cool to meet your friends though."

"Sure you don't want to tell me? You look pretty annoyed, did he ever do something to you, or?" I suggested shrugging.

"Honestly don't worry, it's a long story. If I see him, I see him." He finished. I nodded slowly and continued driving.

Ready for the journey.


We finally got into town and it was sunny. I cheered and stopped the car as I reached my house.

"This is it." I grinned, taking the keys out and opening the door, climbing out steadily. I went to the boot to meet Simon who was already there, getting my bags. I smiled at him and took them from him whispering a thanks.

I opened the door to my house and dropped my bags on the floor. "Is your dad at the hospital?" Simon asked and I nodded closing the door behind him.

"But I'd rather wait for a bit then get back in that disgusting car." I breathed a laugh.

"Definitely." Simon replied, following me up the stairs. I skipped into my room and collapsed on the bed.

"Nice pad." Simon smiled and I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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