Chapter 6

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Hey everyone it's YouTuberGirl7 here and I would just like to say thank you so much for reading. At this moment I've got 83 reads and I was happy to get my 5th so I just want to let you know how much it means to me. I also want to thank the people who commented but at the moment my iPad won't let me comment back -.- So back to the story... xD


Simons POV:

One hour ago, Lily and I went from best friends to a couple and I could not be any happier. Every time I see her I can't help but smile because I'm always thinking,

That girl right there loves me. And she is mine.

We decided not to tell anyone about our relationship until tomorrow because we just couldn't really be bothered.

Lily's POV

"The party starts in about thirty minutes and we've invited a few people for you to meet." JJ said breaking the silence.

"You say a few people, but I think it's a lot more than that really JJ" Vikk said laughing.

Everybody else laughed as well

"Ok, well I'm gonna go get ready!" I said excitedly. I turned around but started to walk but stopped to a halt.

"Should I wear a dress or a skirt?" I asked.

"A dress!" Ethan replied. I giggled and walked off. On my way to the bedroom I heard a few laughs and mumbles like "you wonder why we call you gay..." But Ethan just laughed.

I tried on my blue dress but I didn't really like it. It was a bit too baggy. So I put on my black one which I did
like. It was quite cute and it fitted me perfectly. It looked a bit like the first one on this

I curled the ends of my hair and put moisturiser on my legs since they get incredibly dry. I put on my black flats because I didn't like wearing heels

This all took me about 20 minutes which surprised myself since I normally take about 40 minutes. Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. Simon walked through and shut the door. He turned around to face me and stopped dead and just stared at me, mouth open.

I laughed. "What?" I asked.

"Um, y-you look um... Amazing." Simon stuttered. I laughed and walked towards him. He was about a forehead taller than me which wasn't that bad.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear while hugging him. When we stopped hugging he pressed his lips softly onto mine. I looked up into his eyes as he looked down to mine.

"I love you, simon minter." I said quietly.

"And I love you, Lily Hughes." He replied. I smiled as we heard the doorbell go off. I walked over to the window to see a hoard of people at the door. This was not a few. I laughed. And there was still more people to come!

"By the way, where did you get ready?" I asked Simon.

"Josh's room. I just borrowed some of his jeans." Simon said.

"You look great" I said back

He replied with "I know gurrrl" which made me laugh.

"Come on, let's go down." I said. As we were walking down the stairs we heard music and a lot of chattering. We went into the kitchen first to find JJ (and Seana I think) talking. They noticed us and smiled.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm Lily." I said to the girl.

"Hey, I'm Seana!" Right so it was Seana. She was wearing a cute peach dress and she had long blonde hair.

"You look amazing!" I told her.

"Aw, thanks you look great too!" She replied making me smile.

We continued talking for a while about stuff that girls normally talk about which made JJ and simon go off somewhere leaving us two. We talked for a good ten minutes until Seana went to go find JJ. I waved her off and grabbed a drink. I went to the table tennis room to see Tobi and Simon playing together. Simon had obviously won the game because he was saying "anyone else?" Me being me picked up the bat.

"Sure." I said raising my shoulders.

See I am actually good at table tennis and I've been playing since I was little. However, simon didn't know this.

"Okay, but don't think I'm gonna go easy on you!" He said confidently.

"Okay! Play for serve?" I laughed.

Obviously he was going easy on me and I let him win the serve so he would underestimate me. Once he realised I could play he upped his game. But so did I. I ended up winning 11-10 on sudden death so it was really close but somebody had to win!

"How?!" Simon asked confused.

I just laughed and drunk some more of my drink.

"Hey I'm Callum." I heard from the side of me. I shifted my head to look at him and smiled. This must've been Callux.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" I smiled.

All of a sudden I was dragged into another room by Simon. From what I saw, Callum just laughed and turned around to talk to Tobi again. Simon and I went into the living room where everyone was dancing and the song just finished. Then, iris by the goo goo dolls came on.

"Aww, I love this song!!" I screamed, getting some funny looks from a few people.

"Let's dance." Simon said putting his hands on my waist. I smiled and put my arms over his shoulders. We swayed to the music as I sang along to one of my favourite songs.

And I'd give up forever to touch you,

Cause I know that you feel me somehow.

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be,

And I don't wanna go home right now.

"I love your voice" Simon told me and I laughed at him.

"I have been known for my amazing singing voice." I said sarcastically. Simon chuckled.



Seana and I watched as Simon and Lily were dancing to iris. They looked so happy. It was nice to see.

"They would be so cute together! Look they're adorable!" Seana said smiling. I looked over again at Simon and Lily. They were looking at each other laughing. I had to admit it was cute. I got my phone from my pocket.

"JJ what are you doing?" Seana asked.

"Taking a picture to send to everyone. Simons never been like THIS with a girl. It's nice." I said laughing.

I took the picture and looked at it. Aww. That's a keeper. I put it on Instagram so everyone could see. I got tons of comments stating that they look great together and commented 'too cute guys ;)' and put my phone away.


Simon POV:

The song finished and me and Lily stopped dancing.

"That was nice" she said softly and I agreed. The party was over at about 12:00am and i was shattered.

"Thanks for the party everyone. I had a great time!" Lily chirped. Everyone said their 'your welcome's and hugged Lily good night. I headed up with Lily and she got changed into her pjs in the bathroom. I put mine on in here. When she came back in she looked sad. I immediately asked her if she was alright but she ignored me and said,

"Simon, I don't think we should go out together."

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