Chapter 14

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Lily's POV:

**1 month later**

Tomorrow is the first day of school, and I'm scared. As you already know, schools never really been any good for me unless i was with Simon and I don't have him anymore.

I still loved Simon, but we were drifting apart.

We would still talk and video chat, but less. He was either busy or I was and it just never worked out.

Oh and I forgot to mention, today is my birthday. Yay! (note the sarcasm.) normally I'd be exited, but it's not really fun when you have no body to celebrate it with other than your parents.

I hadn't even got any messages or texts from any of the sidemen. I doubt they even know it's my birthday. I would've thought Simon would know, but maybe he forgot. Who knows.

It's 11:00am and I just woke up. Yes I like sleep. I went downstairs and sat down on the kitchen top.

I felt somebody hug me from behind.

"Happy birthday, sweetie." My mum said happily.

"Thanks." I said. I might as well attempt to be happy.

Next, my dad came into the kitchen with about 7 presents and like 10 cards.

"Here you go." He smiled, placing the packages on the table. "There are more to come tonight." He added.

I opened the first present and it was a camera with a tripod. I really liked photography and filming so I was happy.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled.

All of the other presents were just clothes and xbox games.

"What's tonight?" I smiled.

"Oh, there's just gonna be a little garden party with all the family." My mum chirped.

Yay, a party with the family I'm oh so close with...

We had a pretty big garden. We had a built in bar at the front with a roof over and we had a trampoline and the normal stuff a family garden would have. The only thing I really like about it is that it's connected to a sort of forest with trees and flowers everywhere. It was amazing. What I really liked, was that in the middle of it there was a swing set where I'd go and relax. It was the place where I could escape. I could just sit and watch my surroundings and it would completely calm me down. It was only a five minute walk through the forest and I knew my way.

"I know you'd be happier with your friends, but you're gonna go to school tomorrow and make more friends, yeah?" She said. "It'll get better." She said hugging me. After a while I nodded. I guess I'm just gonna have to accept the fact that I'm not with them anymore.

"I'm gonna go and get ready, thanks again." I said faking a smile, trying to make it as realistic as possible.

I went back upstairs to have a shower and I dried my hair and cleaned my teeth like always. My dad said the party was at 6:00 so I've got a while. Might as well play on the xbox then.


Simons POV:


I just uploaded a youtube video of the sidemen playing gta and I was looking through the comments.

There was a lot like

"Why's Simon being so quiet lately? Has something happened?" And "Can you do another video or you and your girlfriend?"

I sighed and turned off my laptop. Things were getting harder without Lily.

Today was Lily's birthday, but Josh said not to text her because it was gonna be a surprise later. I had no idea what they were talking about but I just went with it. They told me to get dressed so here I am.

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