Chapter IV

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Thysia knew that this was when Nico, Coach Hedge and Reyna should have shown up with the Athena Parthenos, but, for some reason, the entire scene froze and black smoke began to cover the ground. The dark fog swirled around Thysia's feet as he looked around wildly. This was not supposed to be happening.

The world shook below Thysia's feet and lightning flashed across the sky. "Stand down, Commander of Chaos," a voice thundered. "Leave this planet, or we will be forced to make you."


Thysia woke up to the long beams of sunlight streaming past his cloak hung on the window. He threw his right arm over his face to block out the light and rolled over. "Ugh," he mumbled into his pillow. "Kitos, Kitos, come on, get up."

He was being a bit hypocritical, still having his face buried in his pillow and all. Anikitos was even less of a morning person than Thysia, and if Thysia had the option he wouldn't ever wake up earlier than noon.

Slowly forcing himself to get out of bed, Thysia thought about his dream. It was obviously the primordials. Probably Gaea, Aether, Nyx or Erebus, and Chronus based on what had happened. Of course there were many more primordials than that, and Thysia guessed that they would be showing up at some point as well.

He made his way over and yanked his cloak off of the window where he had placed it to block the sunlight. As soon as the sunlight streamed into the room, dust particles dancing in the air, a storm of curses could be heard from Anikitos' bed. Thysia smirked as he situated his hood so that the majority of his face wasn't showing. Serves him right, Thysia thought smugly.

"Kitos, I'm serious. Get up. We have a meeting to go to."

Thysia and Anikitos made their way to the amphitheater,  Thysia observing the place he used to call home. It was absurdly early in the morning, so campers were just starting to get up. He could smell a heavenly aroma coming from the dining hall, and he was very tempted to follow his nose over. He hadn't eaten since coming to Earth. Granted, he didn't necessarily need to eat yet. Part of his extensive training was learning how to go days without food or water and still function as if he was properly sustained. 

As the two soldiers of Chaos approached the amphitheater, Thysia saw Jason sitting with Nico talking away from the rest. The remaining five of the apparent seven were sitting a bit to the left of the sons of Zeus and Hades. Annabeth sat next to Piper, while Hazel, Frank, and Leo sat across from them. A couple other half-bloods were scattered around, some of which Thysia recognized to be Will Solace, Lou Ellen, and Clarisse La Rue. Thysia felt his heart twinge looking at the half-bloods that he had fought beside in so many battles. It was hard seeing them after he thought that they were all long gone. He had come back to Earth expecting all of his friends to be very much dead, enjoying their afterlives in Elysium or enjoying rebirth. Coming back with all of them alive made it so much more painful. His fatal flaw was loyalty, after all. 

To save a friend you would destroy the world. Athena's words rang in his mind. She was right in her own way. He hadn't destroyed the world, just his own. Dealing with the aftermath of the wars he had failed to realize that there was someone in camp who shouldn't be. This oversight on his part turned his whole world upside down and resulted in him leaving camp.

Thysia shook that thought process from his head. No use reliving the past when he had an interesting future ahead of him. He had managed this long without dwelling over the events that drove him from his home. If he started now, he knew that he would end up curled in the fetal position while Anikitos tried to lure him out of bed. It had happened before. Loyalty was his fatal flaw for a reason.

"Thysia, Anikitos, nice to see you. I hope that the Big House provided well enough accommodations?"

Thysia focused his attention on the blonde-haired daughter of Athena. She looked almost exactly the same as the day he left, if not slightly older and more battle worn. Her hair wasn't as neatly styled as it normally would have been, her blonde ringlets slightly frizzy. Thysia prided himself in knowing that this wasn't because it was so early in the morning. She had slight bags underneath her eyes, which were slightly red. Of course, this could just be because she was up late redesigning Olympus, a project Thysia assumed she was still undertaking. However, Thysia presumed that she was having nightmares. After Tartarus, he had seen her enough times after she had them. He knew what she looked like after and her appearance now was the embodiment of it.

"Yes, they were fine, Miss..." Anikitos trailed off, pretending to not know her name. Of course he did, he spent the last years of his mortal life practically pining over her. It had caused some tension between Thysia and Anikitos at first.

"Chase. Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena, one of the Seven, and architect of Olympus. I suppose the rest of the Seven should introduce themselves as well." 

Thysia and Anikitos nodded in response. Each of the "Seven" introduced themselves. Hazel, daughter of Hades, Frank, son of Ares, Leo, son of Hephaestus, Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, Nico, son of Hades, and Jason, son of Zeus. Thysia and Anikitos shared a look. Something was definitely wrong. Three of the demigods that just introduced themselves should have been Roman, yet they weren't.

The conch horn sounded as Thysia and Anikitos introduced themselves to the rest of the "Seven" that they hadn't formally met yet. 

"Well," Jason said. "How about we start this meeting as soon as the campers get here?"

[A/N Hey guys! I'm not dead, just super busy. I'm almost done with the school year; we get out early June. I have exams coming up but I managed to finish this chapter when my parents thought that I was studying for my AP US History exam. If any of my lovely readers are taking exams or finals, good luck to you! 

I'm going to try writing more. I can't guarantee that updates will be more frequent though. Thanks to all of you still reading this :)]

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