Chapter V

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The conch horn sounded as Thysia and Anikitos introduced themselves to the rest of the "Seven" that they hadn't formally met yet.

"Well," Jason said. "How about we start this meeting as soon as the campers get here?"


Thysia watched from the back of the Amphitheater as each of the cabins filed in.  The Hermes cabin was much larger than it was when Thysia left, and he could feel Anikitos tense beside him. "Calm down," Thysia muttered. "We'll figure out what's going on soon."

"I gave my fucking life and now everyone's forgotten? They swore an oath to you, Thys."

"I'm aware," Thysia sighed. "Something's wrong. We just need to figure out what it is."

Once the entire camp had filed in, amounting to almost two hundred people, most in full battle armor, Jason began the meeting. "Camp Half-Blood! The Seven have called you here today to discuss a possible upcoming war against the Primordials. We fought Gaea five years ago, and her fall seems to have angered them. Chaos, the creator, has sent us his commander as well as his second in command to aid us if this threat rises. Though, I doubt that-"

Thysia stepped forward, cloak billowing behind him, Anikitos close on his heels. "There is no question on whether the rise of the Primordials is happening, son of Zeus. If there was, my lord would not have sent us to Earth." Thysia turned to the camp, taking in the various looks of shock on their faces. "I assure you, however, that with our aid you will suffer as little casualties as we can make possible. When the final battles come, I will be calling for a battalion of my soldiers to assist us. My priority, along with Anikitos' is to protect the planet Earth, and to do so we must keep the people on it alive. We need your assistance in doing that. Are you able to provide that?"

A low whisper went through the crowd of demigods. Suddenly, a small voice piped up from the middle. "I bet that we would kick the bad guyses butts if Percy Jackson was here!" Thysia smiled slightly under his hood as he caught sight of a young girl, maybe five or six crowded by other Aphrodite children. 

Behind him, Jason scoffed. "Percy Jackson is nothing more than a legend, Silena. You would do best to remember that."

Beside him, Anikitos took a small step back. Now that Thysia was looking closer, the girl did look eerily similar to Silena Beauregard, the daughter of Aphrodite that had led the Ares cabin into battle in the battle of Manhattan. "Nuh-uh. I remember him. He had the prettiest green eyes, and he would always make jokes. He dated a smart daughter of Athena, and they saved the world together!" Silena looked like she was on the verge of crying, and Jason wasn't doing anything to help. 

Thysia made his way towards the daughter of Aphrodite and knelt down in front of her. "Silena, right?" When he received a nod in return, he smiled slightly, his mouth showing underneath his hood. "Can I tell you a secret?" When he received another nod, he leaned in close so that Silena was the only one who could hear him. "I know Percy Jackson. And he's the coolest guy you'll ever meet." He laughed slightly at her over exaggerated gasp and turned to go back to Anikitos. "You know what else, Silena?" He threw over his shoulder. "He's the greatest hero to ever live."

As he was walking away, Jason frowned at him. "If you're talking about Percy Jackson, he doesn't exist. His story is merely a legend, one to warn against betrayal of the gods."

Thysia raised an eyebrow underneath his hood and Anikitos clenched his fists. Thysia could hear him muttering about traitors under his breath. "And how so, son of Zeus? Percy Jackson is very much real, I assure you. And if anyone betrayed someone in the situation involving the son of Poseidon and the gods, the gods are to blame. Percy Jackson is the only reason this planet still has life on it. I suggest you not tell lies regarding his life."

The eyes of the demigods filling the amphitheater were glued to Thysia's hooded form. Someone in the back of the group surrounding him snorted. "Please, even if Percy Jackson did exist, he was a traitor to the gods. Half-bloods like him are the reason that we're hunted by the monsters of Tartarus." 

"Tell me about this legend of Percy Jackson."

Alright guys. I have absolutely no recollection of writing the first half of this chapter so I rewrote it. I'm working on applying to college right now and my senior year starts next week so I won't be able to write a lot. I'm really sorry about not updating ever, but I have been so busy, it isn't even funny. I'll try to update more often though :)

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