Prologue and Summary

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Prologue the wondrous prologue and its girlfriend the summary

Percy Jackson was the fearless Savior and Hero of Olympus. Key-word. Was. He was the retriever of Zeus's Master Bolt, sailor of the Sea of Monsters. He was bearer of the sky, wanderer of the Labyrinth, witness to the rising of Kronos, bearer of the Curse of Achilles, child of the first great prophecy, defeater of Kronos, Atlas, Iapetus, and Hyperion. He was Praetor of New Rome, helper in the freeing of Death, one of the Seven of the second great prophecy. He was survivor of Tartarus, defeater of Gaea and bane of monsters.

Now days, the story of Percy Jackson is just that: a story. A story that parents tell their children as a bedtime story to teach heroism and sacrifice. And everyone believes that it is just a story. Only a legend, because that is what the gods wished.

Because that's what happens to all the great heroes doesn't it? No-one believes that they really had the strength, or that someone made the hero up. Made up the story.

And thus, the truth of Percy Jackson, turned into just that. A legend.

Thysia of Chaos's army doesn't really have a history. Only his best friend, Anikitos (Thysia calls him Kitos. In return, Kitos calls him Thys) knows his identity, along with Chaos himself.

No one under his command knows his real name, they only know that he was betrayed by the ones he loved and treasured most. No one knows which planet he was from, or what he did. Many have asked Thysia and Anikitos, but they never get an answer. Perhaps just extra training.

Thysia, as commander of the Army of Chaos, goes on almost every mission, no matter how small. When he has to go on a mission to Earth with Anikitos, the first mission to Earth he has been on in 250 years, he must save the planet from a great evil; the fated rising of the Primordials.



Chaos sighed. He had been having this argument with his commander for about an hour by now. In all honesty, he could understand why his commander didn't want to go back to Earth. After all, It was the place he was betrayed.

''Please, Thysia. All the Primordials are rising. They can't handle this alone.'' Chaos rubbed his hands over his face and glanced at Thysia.

His face was almost always covered with a hood, only showing the bottom of his nose and his mouth. It was down at the moment, showing his messy raven hair and his sea green eyes. Of course, this was so his identity would be kept a secret, but also for the safety of everyone around him. Thysia had a bad habit of glaring at people and scaring them half to death. Literally. His fists were clenched, and Chaos grew worried for a moment. Thysia could control his rage, but if it got out of hand, it would be bad.

''I told you already. They managed to handle Titans and Giants and Gaea. All on their own. I don't need to go to Earth, nor will I.''

''But they had you both times,'' Chaos pointed out, causing Thysia to throw his hands up in the air out of exasperation.

''I don't want to go! I'll go on the next 50 missions, no complaint if I don't have to go. Send someone else.'' And there's the bribing. Although, it would be nice for him to go on 50 missions without complaining.

''No. You're going to Earth. End of discussion.'' Chaos firmed his resolve. He was rather fond of Earth. It wasn't the first planet he created, nor was it the most advanced. There were many planets better than Earth; he could choose any of them over "green planet". He supposed it had to do with the fact that it was his commander's home planet. Even though they betrayed him, Chaos knew Thysia would still sacrifice himself for them. Just not in a heartbeat like he used to. Maybe he liked Earth best because he hoped more people could be like his commander.

Thysia glared at Chaos causing the creator to refrain from shivering. He shouldn't be afraid of Thysia, his loyalty was with Chaos only, but still. That glare was scary.

''Fine. I'll go. But if anyone pisses me off too bad, there will be hell to pay.'' Thysia threw his hood over his head, turned on his heel, and strode out of the room.

Chaos hoped that Thysia could keep his temper under control. If not for his streak (Thysia and Anikitos had a bet going), then for the mortals. He knew they would die if Thysia's rage was unleashed. 

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