Chapter 1: Why Wikipedia?

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Alfred reached into the bag, feeling around for a chip. Empty. "Hmmm." He mumbled, disappointed. The t.v light flickered as the commercial's brightness intensity changed. Arthur stirred on the couch. "Is it over?" he said, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright light in the dark room. Alfred stretched. "Naw man. It's like, half way over or something."

Arthur moaned. "Why do you Americans have so many bloody commercials? There's like 5 about air fresheners, 3 about microwavable pizzas, and the majority are about fast food restaurants. In England, that’s unheard of…" he whined. Alfred only sighed. "Relax, go back to sleep or whatever. You can sleep here for the night. I'm going to bed." Arthur glared at him. “You always bail halfway through the movie. why do you even invite me if you know it's lame?". Alfred got up, stretching his arms. "I have my reasons. Now are you sleeping here or not because I might wake you up in the morning."

Arthur buried his face in the pillow. "I was going to stay here anyways. I think Francis was planning on attacking me tonight anyways." He frowned at Alfred who was trying not to laugh. “Oh grow up.” He hissed.

 Picking up a heavy blanket off the floor, Alfred chucked it at his tired friend, making him nearly roll of the couch startled. "Alright, g'night." Alfred said quickly, bounding up the stairs in 3 steps. Arthur glared emptily at the stairs, half expecting him to come back down and chuck a rock at him. "Retarded ass."


Feliciano woke up, a sudden wave of awareness flooding over him. "Ludwig, hey, pst. Wake up! Someone's here." Ludwig groaned. The Italian had a clenched fist on the blanket. "What? Who could possibly be here at 1 am?" Feliciano looked around. "I don't know, but I smell something. Alcohol?" He opened his eyes, sitting up. "So what you're saying is that a drunk is somewhere. In the house. At 1 am." Feliciano nodded. "Yeah. But I-"

Light blared in the room. "Hello West! I'm just coming to say how much you missed out on!" Gilbert stood in the doorway, a messy grin leaking across his face. His clothes looked like he tried to get dressed blindfolded. The bottle of beer in his right hand was about to spill on the carpet. "There was a drinking, hic~ contest and I got 3rd place! There, heh, there was this, hic~ lady who was freakin' hot! She..." He looked over at Feliciano, his arm still around Ludwig after waking him up. Gilbert just stood there for a minute, silent. "So... you slept with him... and..." His lip quivered as he burst out laughing. "You're, hah! YOU'RE GAY?! Hey Kiku! Kiku! West is gay! He's a fag!" His voice seemed to be a bit bitter, maybe hurt…?

Ludwig's eyes narrowed. "Get over here bruder! I hope you had fun, because it’s not happening again!" Gilbert stopped laughing and dropped the bottle, the booze leaking all over the carpet. "Bring it you homo!" Feliciano just watched as the two maimed each other in the doorway."All I heard was Gilbert screaming..." everyone stopped. Kiku Honda stood out in the hallway in his baggy pajama shirt and pants staring at the two brothers tangled up, Ludwig prevailing and a drunken Gilbert flailing his arms in desperate need for air. "Eh..." He looked at Feliciano sitting on the bed clutching a pillow. "I'm... going to back to my research... you people okay?" Ludwig nodded. "Just teaching this asshole a lesson." he spat, releasing his brother who began gasping for air, making a noise that sounded like a broken rubber conveyer belt. "Yeah," Feliciano said, rubbing his eyes and falling back down... "Goodnight Kiku." The drunk German had fallen asleep in sync with the Italian on the floor, sprawled outward into the hallway. As the Asian retreated back to his room, Ludwig dragged his brother into his, closing the door. Kiku shot the area one last glance and shut the door that separated him from the hallway


I question if staying over Ludwig's house was a good idea. I was only planning on researching tactics. He scoffed. The Axis was just another alliance. Bonds weren’t broken badly after WWII. What would make us any different from previous alliances? Put in history as just another tale. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Kiku flopped onto his bed, the light bulb on the ceiling beginning to flicker. He had been up for nearly 7 hours now researching tactics. His eyelids were beginning to grow heavy.

He began to soak up the silence. An occasion like this was rare and he began feeling foolish for staying up so late. He yawned. I wonder if Ludwig will even be aware how much I intend to help. I'll just have to find out. The laptop's light vanished as it went into sleep mode. "Ack. Not again." Kiku mumbled. He tapped the pad, the light once again dancing over his face. The ceiling's light finally flickered out as is corresponding to the device.

"Okay, let's see.” His hands hovered over his keyboard, typing rapidly. The sound of pecking softly rang out in the small room. "A-x-i-s P-o-w-e-r-s." His eyes widened. That’s a lot of results. Scanning down, he clicked one. Wikipedia. 'A pasta loving fool who was once a great nation. He along with his friends form Axis Powers and struggle in the battle between other countries.'

The room was frozen. How did they even guess this? He clicked another Wikipedia entry. Nonsense. Something called “Hetalia” was all over the internet. An anime? A manga? A web comic?! But anime is my element? And it’s popular around the world! How did I miss this?! How did Alfred miss this…? No, no time to scold yourself. Just look this up so you can go into your bed.

Kiku sat there, rubbing his eyes. What is this? Why is this even here? What's Hetalia?! He leaned closer, his fingers typing rapidly. "W-h-a-t  i-s H-e-t-a-l-i-a-?" Wikipedia. "Why do we always have this kind of thing happen to us..."

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