Chapter 6: The 8 hour Plane Flight Part 1

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"Dude, you're gonna love my jet, it's epic." Alfred sat in the passenger seat, an arm hanging out of the car. "It has a great bar, fancy restrooms, a shower, a-" he stopped when he saw Arthur's face. "A shower?" He grinned and laughed. "I can't believe you!" He laughed even louder. Alfred's tuft of hair sprung up. "I find that offensive. You'll see. I like the Karaoke stand in the bar."

Arthur raised one of his eyebrows, which was really like 8 eyebrows. "Who has a Karaoke stand in a bar. On a plane. When only one person flies back and forth in it. Answer me that Alfred." His gaze shifted back to the road. "Well if it's so ridiculous Arthur, then you probably won't want to know about the 'happy room' for passengers like you when they get too drunk." 

"Eh?" Arthur faced him surprised with his mouth slightly agape, suddenly interested. "Haha! I knew you'd like it! I never go in there, it's used more by my guests." The Brit focused on the road again. "I- I'd rather not."

Alfred shrugged. "Whatever dude." He stuck his head out of the car. "Hey Arthur, why do you drive on the left side of the road? Is that why people were honking at me on the way to your house? I thought it was because I-" He looked over.

A huge grin crept up onto his face. "Arthur Kirkland, are you blushing?" Arthur's eyes widened and he covered his face. "OF COURSE NOT! SHUT UP YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD I BE BLUSHING?! I JUST FEEL AWKWARD ABOUT THE CONVERSATION WE WERE JUST HAVING!" The Brit faced the American, who's grin had widened. He raised an eyebrow and laughed obnoxiously. Arthur tried to change the subject, looking at the signs they drove by. "Oh look, we're here, 45 minutes late."

Alfred put his hand on Arthur's shoulder as he unveiled his red face. "It happens to the best of us Iggy. This can be our little secret." Arthur parked the car, looking over guiltily at the grinning American. "Now let's get out of here." Arthur smiled.

Smack. "What the hell! Why'd you do that?" Alfred whined, rubbing his head and pushing up his glasses. Arthur grinned, opening the door. "I told you not to call me that you idiot."


"Oi! Feliciano!" A dark blue corvette was flying towards the plane. Lovino sat in the driver's seat, probably going faster than the plane next to it, while Antonio hesitated to stand up in the machine. "Sei un idiota, get your ass onto the seat!" Lovino floored the break, both bodies lurching forward and Antonio's almost sliding across the windshield.

The group watched the car turn 1080 degrees before they both sat there and assessed the damage. "Hey Feliciano." Kiku whispered. "Ve~ yes Kiku?" "Why don't Italians wear seat belts?" Feliciano blinked. "Well we... Sometimes we..." He frowned. "I don't know Japan. I think it's more fun!"

Lovino scanned the crowd. Most of the members of the meeting were there. About 15, 20 people stood there walking, talking and being occupied with a few other things. "Let's go my Lovino." The Italian looked at the half drunk Spaniard. He was smiling and kept giggling every time he hiccuped."Get out of my car, I've to got park it."

Obediently, Antonio got out of the car and saluted him. Oh boy. Lovino floored the car away and Antonio stumbled over with the rest of the arrives.

"Do all Italians drive like that?" Kiku looked at Ludwig grimly. "Hai, and I don't think I'll ever be in the car when Feliciano drives again." Ludwig nodded. "I could tell by your continuous scream that went on for 5 minutes or so."


 "Damn it, sorry we're late." Everyone turned. Arthur and Alfred approached everyone with an exotic looking suitcase. Alfred looked a little white and averted everyone's eyes.

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