Chapter 3: Well... This is Awkward...

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"Ok people, let's begin." Kiku stepped through the separate doors on the other side of the room. "you all need to kno-" he froze. The bodies of hissing people was odd to look at, piled on top of each other like dirty laundry. He looked around the room, a small twitch of fear on his face. "This is an odd request, but can I have everyone please remain motionless for a moment?" He whipped out a piece of paper. "Hey asshole up at the end of the table!" Kiku looked over. Gilbert was pinned under Elizabeth. "This isn't exactly why I came here!"

The Asian just sighed and returned to searching for the paper. After a little while, he partially smiled. "Found it!" "Found what?" Toris said. "Er... I'm not sure... If I should read it aloud." "Well if you brought us here," Switzerland growled. Sadiq finished "Then don't you think you should tell us?" Kiku's face reddened. "I- I wasn't planning on reading it to everyone." England slammed his fist onto the table. "Damn it Kiku, just read the bloody paper!" Kiku looked down, crunching up the paper and tossed it into the trashcan, missing by a mile. "Never mind, everyone can-"

"What? I leave for 5 minutes to use zee restroom and when I come back, everybody's on someone else's ass?!" Everyone turned to face Francis next to the front hallway doors. Roderech sneered. "You think ve vere doing what?" Francis looked at the Austrian who was crushing Elizabeta. "Hon hon! But you don't seem to be complaining, isn't that right now?" Roderech looked away. "You'd be surprised."

He looked back at Elizabeta. Big mistake. BIG, BIG mistake. "So why don't you get off of be because a FUCKING GERMAN'S ASS IS IN MY FACE!" The large frying pan, that she obviously pulled out of her sleeve because where else could it have come from,  whacked Roderich square in the nose. "Heh, you like it though.' Gilbert said. He was hit...1. 2. 3. 4.... about 30 times before she finally got up and dusted herself off. The Austrian had lost consciousness and his head now rested on the k.o'd German's "fucking ass".  She paused. "I wonder if I'll regret that later."

"Ve~ Kiku! Why are we here?" The countries were now recovering or fully recoverd and seated. "We have gathered to discuss a serious matter. You are all being followed." No reaction. "by people with cameras." Silence. "Well you have a series named after you called Hetalia." I could swear I heard crickets chirping." They write about you having sex with other countries." Everyone began talking at once.

"I don't want to be gay!" Ravis sobbed. "Well that's not, like, totally bad, right?" Poland offered. Sweeden sat there, his expression grim. "Hon! Well I have to get to know zees person!" Francis smiled. "Aiah! These people must be punished, aru!" Wang slammed his fist down onto the table. "Whoa whoa dude, how many people are actually involved in this?" Everyone gradually quieted down for Kiku's response. "Um... Well.. everyone here is in Hetalia.' The murmuing began again, softer. "I don't know." Kiku spoke up. "This might end terribly, but..." "Spit it out Kiku." Ivan eyed him with such intensity he flinched. Kiku swallowed. 

"I think... we should attend a Hetalia convention."

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