Chapter 5: Could you take any longer?!

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Berwald's phone vibrated. Message from Kiku. Hm.

Everyone's meeting at the National European Airport @ 9.

Be prepaied for the 8 hour plane flight.

Alfred said bring snacks.

And Multicolored sharpies.

He looked at the sleeping European sprawled across the kitchen table. He approached Raivis, nudging him. "Hey." No movement. "Wake up." Nothing. 

Berwald sighed, reaching into the gap between his stomach and the table, he slung him over his shoulder. He came to life. "Gah! What's happening?!" Raivis thrashed his arms on the Swiss's back. Berwald shot him a warning glance, sending a wave of shock through the Latvian, a yelp escaping him.

"You awake now?" Berwald's eye's penetrated him. (He's just that freakin scary) "Y-yeah! I'v n- never felt better." "Good." He put him down, his knees buckling. "We have to be at the airport at 9 tomorrow." The boy calmed down. "Oh, which one?" He shrugged. "The NEA." He blinked. "The what?" 

Berwald began heading towards the stairs. "Be ready at 7:30. I want to get a breakfast burrito." Raivis raised an eyebrow. What the hell's a breakfast burrito? Berwald turned. "Oh yeah." Raivis looked up, squealing again at the Swiss's straight face. "Where are my sharpies?"


"Hm, that seems reasonable." Ivan unwrapped his scarf from his neck, the phone cord making it difficult. "Yes, but I do enjoy sleeping late. Zis will be a struggle." Francis took off his shirt, putting the phone on speaker. "Da, I see where you're coming from." "Well at least we can rely on America for zee transportation."

Ivan sighed sending static into the phone as he tried to put his night shirt on. "Да, но Кику смущало меня на днях. I mean why did he ask the other countries not to get up?" Francis sat on his bed. "Eh bein, I thought it was parce qu'il était excitée, but that's just what I sought at zee time."

Ivan frowned. "Thanks anyways Francis. до свидания." The hung up the phone. I'll have to talk it out of him tomorrow. 

Ivan lied down on the bed, hand reaching for the lamp. Kolkolkol. And then there was darkness.


"Alfred! We're going to be late for your plane! Get your ass out here you idiot!" Alfred grimaced at the alarm clock beside his bed. "Screw you Arthur! It's 8." Arthur grit his teeth, pounding on his bedroom door viciously. "I'm taking your car if you don't get out of bed in the next 5 minutes!"

He moaned, sitting upright. "Now Iggy, don't throw another tantrum." he said mockingly. "Tck! Quit calling me that. I'm going. Good luck Alfred." Alfred swung his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up in his red, white, and blue boxers. Fatigue blinded him and he stumbled back onto the bed. "Dude! I'm up!" 

Arthur opened the door, sticking his head through and staring at the half anked American. "Liar, now get dressed." He closed the door. Well you're no fun. He got up and changed his shorts, threw on a shirt, jeans. He snagged the suitcase,and began running into the door that he forgot wasn't open.

Arthur stopped walking away after hearing a thud come from the guest room. "Alfred? You okay?" "Open the door." The American replied. The Brit twisted the handle, Alfred flying out and knocking him down. "You idiot! You're not supposed to put all of your weight on the door when you open it! Now if you don't mind get off of me and get your sock off of my eyebrow." Alfred frowned. "Don't block my way and maybe this won't happen next time. Maybe."

The American got on his hands and knees, picking up all of his clothing. "Shit, dude. I need to get a new bag. The zipper broke." Arthur moaned. "Of course it did." "Wait." Alfred stood up as the Brit began picking up his clothing, flipping out his cell phone. "What are you-" "Shh!" Alfred silenced him.

"Hi ya Kiku! We might be a little late, a little longer than fashionably late." Arthur heard Kiku's muffled speech. "Okay, Bye!" The phone snapped shut. "Alright then. Why'd you stop?" Arthur got up, an aggravated look on his face. "I'll be in the car."

In a matter of seconds, the front door slammed shut, leaving Alfred alone in the mini mansion."What'd I say?"


 "Aiyah! Where is everyone?" Wang looked down at his sleeve. "Oh yeah, I'm not wearing a watch, aru." It was about 9 right now. Wang was standing in the center of a runway with the private jet. A long line of jets extended behind it, awaiting takeoff. "Wang!" A whispery voice shouted a distance away. Matthew stood a few hundred feet away with a rollable suitcase and Kumajirou in his arms.

"Er... hey. I was waiting for you." The Canadian approached and smiled, but it quickly disappeared as he began remembering something. "Do you know if that guy Prussia is here? I said he has no balls if he didn't show." Wang shook his head. "Actually, no one's here yet, aru."

Matthew frowned. He was the only one who remembered who he was, asshole or not. "Oh that's too ba-" "No need to fear! The awesome me is here!" By the time Matthew finished screaming Gilbert had finally shut up and just stood there with Wang, staring at the Canadian. "Time to get outta here. Mein gott, where's West?!" 

The shinning corvette screeched to a hault. "Ve~ You can finally get off now Kiku!' Feliciano was at the wheel grinning his idiotic grin. Kiku and Ludwig, however, were clinging onto the black leather seats as if their life depended on it. At the time, it did, and now every ounce of color had been drained out of their faces.  "Germany, Kiku, you can get out now. I have to go park the car." The German and Asian locked eyes with each other and grabbed their suit cases, jumping out of the car and gathering next to the few countries that had arrived already.

"Ve~ I'll be back! Ciao!" The rubber screeched, and flipped the car around and floored it all of the way into the distance. "Hey West." Gilbet approached his shocked brother and ave him a noogie. "Why are you so scared? Sind Sie Huhn, oder haben Angst vor einer italienischen?" Ludwig glared at Gilbert, flipping him onto his back. Ludwig snarled,"Wir werden diese später fortsetzen." Gilbert swallowed.

"He drives like a mental case in a straight jacket with a blindfold on." Everybody turned o Kiku, litterally shaking. "Is he okay, aru?" Wang questioned. "No and he'll never recover from this truamatizing event," Ludwig informed him "now where is everyone?"

"Aiyah, how would I know?! Alfred is already 10 minutes late." Kiku looked up. "Oh, he informed me that he'll be late. His suitcase broke." "Wonderful." Matthew heaved. Everyone faced the Canadian. "Who are you?" He looked down at Kumajirou. "I'm Canada."

"Germany! Germany!" Feliciano began running towards them. Ludwig sighed. "Relax Feliciano! We'll be here for a while." 

That you will Germany, that you will.

Nah, Ivan won't let you. :P

Sorry this chapter is like half crap, I have to stall... for a reason...

Next chapter will be funny.

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