Chapter 4: Time flies when you're waiting for Cosplay.

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The room was buzzing with chatter. Raviks was excitedly talking to Berwald as he returned his answers with nods or shakes of the head. Gilbert and Roderech had regained contiousness, very slowly. Feliciano had begun to toy with an annoyed Vash's hand. Eduard had approached the somehow still sleeping Greek and gently attempted to shake him awake.

"Ciao! Are we late?" Lovino stood in the doorway. "Wait-" Antonio followed, gasping for air. "Wait for me!" A few of the countries faced the two, the others didn't seem to be bothered. "Eh? What happened here?" Lovino frowned. "I- I believe we missed the meeting." Antonio had recovered, and began looking around.

"Damn it. Feliciano, what happened?" The Italian looked up. "Ve~ hey! Lovino!" He ran over and took his brother's hands, squeezing them. "Listen carefully my brother, what was the meeting about?"

Lovino yanked his hands away from Feliciano. "Oh. We have stalkers that think we are all gay." Antonio approached, "What?" The brother's face twisted as he walked away. "Please hold." Lovino watched as Feliciano dragged Kiku over. "Well?" He spat. "Er... We're going to an anime convention." Antonio laughed. "Isn't that a bit childish." Kiku glared at him. "In my country, it is exreemly popular and hard to get to. You would too if you knew what was in them." 

Lovino put his hands behind his head and groaned. "So i came all this way to find out we're going somewhere else?" He looked around. "And no pasta?! What is wrong with you sickos?!" Kiku looked around as well. "Feliciano ate it all i guess." Lovino grinded his teeth. " I'm going to kill that dimwit."

"Hey Kiku," Antonio implied. "Why are we going to a anime convention anyways?" Kiku began to walk away. "You don't listen very well. Feliciano already told you: A group of perverts have been following us and we have to evaluate the situation." 

As the two were left standing there. Lovino finally spoke up. "I don't get it." "What does that even mean?" Antonio replied.


England slopped down onto the couch. Oh boy. Since when has just living my life become so complicated? He picked up a book resting on the edge of a table. "When is the convention?" He looked across the room at the few countries that decided to follow him to his house without even asking. Alfred, Ivan, Wang, and Francis sat on the other plush chairs. "Dude, I think it's, like, Friday." Alfred muttered. Ivan nodded his head. "Da, we're going to a convention where everyone is miming us." Wang shivered. "That's creepy. Why did we even agree to go, aru?"  Ivan shrugged, smiling eerily.

Francis moaned. "It shouldn't end that badly. Sure we may be traumatized for life, but what's zee worst that could happen?" Alfred's head snapped over to Francis. "Have you even read any of the stories people write online?" Arthur rolled his eyes and returned to daydreaming at his book. "Oh please Alfred."

Alfred faced Arthur, a solemn expression set on his face. "Well, I'm just saying, don't be surprised if you see some shocking stuff at there." He laughed, not looking up. "You always had such a vivid imagination Alfred." The room became silent.

"I'm going" Wang implied, getting up and yawning. "I will see you on Friday. Zaijian." "To жe, goodnight." Ivan got up and dusted his coat off, existing the room. Francis nodded, leaving with the group.

Alfred sat there and grinned. "Only 5 days until you find out the truth, see ya Arthur." As the last of the alliance left his home, Arthur frowned. "I wonder if they know how much I loath their company.' Sighing, he looked back at his book. What the hell am I even reading? Closing the book that his attention was drawn from earlier, he looked at the cover.

"What the fu-" Playboy Magazine, loved by the males of the world since 1953. 

****************************(Use your imagination, nose bleed)***************************

"Gilbert, get out of here, I don't need you're crap." Matthew swatted at the German who had snuck up behind him. "Eh? Why are you so frustrated?" He grinned evilly. Matthew clutched Kumajirou tightly as he turned away from Gilbert. Why am I always the victim? "Hey, I was only teasing." Instantaneously, he slid infront of the Canadian, blocking his escape. Gilbird chirped excitedly as his owner prevailed.

Matthew swallowed. "What do you want?" The albino snickered. "What up with your voice? You're so quiet." He was taken back by the remark. "Why is your voice so high? You sound like a sissy." He rebounded, sending the German back. "Bastard. Zumindest bin ich nicht ein erbarmlicher niemand." Gilbert grinned.

Matthew blinked and began to walk away. "Whatever. I don't speak German." Gilbert grit his teeth. Why won't he fight me? "So you're just going to walk away? You don't have the balls to fight." He glanced back at the country. I don't want to start any trouble. He thought to himself.

He clenched his fists, giving up. "Hey Matthew." He stopped walking. "Yes Gilbert?" "You going to that thing in a few days? The... the convention thingy?" The Canadian turned around. "Yeah, and you?" Gilbert grinned, Gilbird landing in his air. "You kidding, I'm not a pansy, no way." Matthew pushed up his glasses, a smile creeping up onto his face. "So talk to me when you have the balls to show up at the place." 

He kept walking as he left the pissed German in his wake, Gilbird flying circles around his head.


 "So, how'd you sleep?" Kiku stretched his arms as Ludwig approached in his training clothes. "I've slept better. You?" He sighed, pausing from his stretching and sitting down. He held his head between his hands. "Honestly, since the meeting 4 days ago I've been bothered by the approaching convention tomorrow." Ludwig stared at his depressed friend.

He walked over to him placed his hand on Kiku's shoulder tentatively. "It'll be fine. We'll get the creator if it'll take your mind off of this." Ludwig felt a pang of guilt as he said this. What am I doing. I''m saying this blindly. I have no idea who this person is and if we'll ever be able to find him. Kiku looked up at him. "Shirimasen... I want to know, but I'm thinking we make a huge mistake."

"Er, you'll be fine." Ludwig attempted to smile. Kiku jumped back. Ludwig released his shoulder. "What?" Kiku averted his eyes, looking to his left. "That grin was misleading." A dog barked off in the distance. "I don't get it, and I don't want to get it, so how about we start training. Das ok mit der?" Kiku shook his head. "Hai. But, what about Feliciano?" Ludwig offered a hand up. "He's with Ivan today." Kiku raised an eyebrow. "I wonder how that turned out?"


Ivan held tightly onto the brothers, one arm around each of them. "Feliciano, Lovino, I love your country. It's so warm.' The frightened Italians were Piss-your-pants scared. Their signature curls were twitching.  I'll have to come here more." They both let out little screams as the Russian pulled them in closer.

I wonder if this is a "you're my bitches" statement...

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