Chapter 3

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Musas PoV:
I loved time travelling.
I loved the feeling when we turned around and I nearly felt all ages flash
around me.
I had asked Tecna once if she felt the same way but she didn't felt a thing.
Maybe I just imagined that or she didn't think about it.
But everytime I felt pure energy flow through me.
We landed on a green grass field that looked strangely familiar.
Stella wiped some dirt of her dress:" Now we just have to find this pink kitten Roxy showed us. So were could we look?"
"I don't know, does this place seem familiar the any of you guys too?", I asked finally because I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I had been here before.
"No, why do you ask? I've never seen this place before.", Layla replied.
"Don't know it's just. ..", I stopped because for gods sake I had no idea how I could describe that.
"There are many storybooks about Camelot and it's surroundings, maybe you say some pictures of it in a book or something.", Bloom said.
"No it's not something like that...", before I could finish my sentence a quiet 'miau' distracted me.
I turned around and saw beautiful little cat.
It had pink fur with a few purple stripes.
"Oh, sweet little puppy, come on here.", Flora said softly.
The cat didn't even look at her.
"Maybe it needs something to calm him down, Musa?", Tecna asked.
I started singing my favourite song and it just took two seconds until it snored calmly.
It slowly tip toed towards me when three nights broke through the trees.
They were obviously after the little kitten because they were chasing it now and the mood of it had changed from sleepy to agressive.
It was shooting spikes from his fur at them.But that doesn't protect it enough. They reached out for it when I stepped out of the shadow.
"Leave this innocent pet alone or you will have to deal with us!", I said serious.
"You and who? Your little friends over there? We're so scared. Did you hear that guys, these girls will fight us if we won't let go. We really should back off or somebody will get heard", he laughed out loud and the others joined him."You asked for it!", I said.
"Magic Winx Butterflix!"
We transformed and that wiped the ugly smirk out of the Knights faces. "So; would you be so kind to leave it alone NOW?", I asked sarcastically. "Are really so naïve to think this stupid glittery wings and short dresses will be enough to save you?", he snapped back in the same tone I had used seconds before. "Oh, no but maybe this will do", I formed an O with my hands and focused my anger on the energy inside of me: "Sonic Attack!" I could see the surprise, well more something like shock flash over their faces when my spell hit the fattest of them right into his stomach. The other ran away without even looking back, being gone in not even half of a minute later. I smiled and took the cat up into my arms and it rubbed it's head carefully against my neck. "Was that really necessary?", Layla asked flat but careful. "Oh, please they were more than respectless and after this innocent puppy! Do you know what they would have done to it?", I snapped. "Yes, but attacking them? Don't you think that did go a little to far? Remember that we are not allowed to change the past under any circumstances.", Bloom continued. "So thats what you all think?! Leave an innocent cat because Faragonda says something? She could be here herself, but no she always makes us do the work, letting us face the danger!", I looked at my friends. My anger was like hot water under my skin, flowing through my whole body. "Musa that is enough! Faragonda has nothing to do with the fact that you are totally out of your mind since Riven is gone!", Stella covered her mouth exactly in the second she had ended. "Well if thats your opinion.", I said bitterly, feeling my eyes watering. I flew away without looking back, knowing that they would not follow me. Not this time. Suddenly I heard a perfect voice far away, singing a beautiful song. Without hesitating I turned and flew in the direction the voice was comming from.

To be continued

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