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So this is going to be my first Ib fanfiction! If it's like another fanfiction, please don't be offended by it! I haven't exactly read any other Ib fanfictions because I don't want to risk any chance of copying them in any shape or form.

In Case You Don't Know:

Ib is a pixel horror game that takes place inside an art gallery gone wrong. Ib is a nine year old girl and she has a red flower that symbolizes her life. If the flower dies, so does she. It's the same when she finds and rescues Garry, who has a blue rose. They have to find a way out of the gallery before they die. Along the way they meet Mary, a girl who appears innocent but eventually tries to kill Ib and Garry so that she can escape into the real world. It's a really fun game, so if you haven't played it you probably also won't understand the 'prologues' and flashbacks in the story. I'm also not going to spoil the ending, because there's several of them. If you've played the game then you know the Promise of Reunion ending. 

Several notable details in my story:

-Garry is about eighteen in my story, because I figured that he had ten rose petals and Ib had five, she was only nine so I'm just doubling his age from hers, and he didn't look that old, anyways. Either way, if people think he's older, we're just going to say he's eighteen in my story.

-They got out with the 'Promise Of Reunion' ending...otherwise neither of them would be here, right?

-Ib is now seventeen in my story, and Garry's age is a secret until I figure it out myself as well XD

That's about it for things anyone will need to know, so please read my story when I'm done!

So if you're about to read my story just know that all of my years are messed up! I just got confused with eighteens and nines and eights and it's just-GAH. I'll edit it sooner or later, and it's not that big of a difference, so it's still perfectly fine to read. Thanks for reading!

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