The Movie Theater

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Ib woke up slowly, opening her eyes and blinking several times at the invading sun coming in through her window. It was Monday. She shot up, and then lay down again, relaxed, remembering that it was summer. She breathed in deeply and paused, sitting up again. She sniffed again and got up, smiling slightly at the tasty scent of scrambled eggs and the sound of sizzling bacon. Opening the door, Ib walked to Garry's door, hesitated, and then walked into the kitchen. Apparently she didn't even have to knock on his door. Garry was already up, cooking scrambled eggs and bacon. "G'morning," Ib mumbled, pressing her palms to her eyes. "Morning!" Garry replied cheerfully, all traces of sadness from yesterday night gone. He had on a loose black shirt and a pair of dark jeans, and his hair looked damp, like he'd just washed it. His eyes were bright and he hummed to himself while he put the scrambled eggs on a plate and set it on the table, next to the bacon. "Sit," he told Ib. She sat on one side of the table while he sat on the opposite. "I didn't know you cooked," Ib said curiously. Garry grinned, taking a bite of bacon. "I didn't know I knew how to work the stove. Your mother had to show me before she left." Ib ate a bite of scrambled eggs, smiling to herself. "I was thinking," she began. Taking another bite of eggs, Ib said, "Maybe we could go into town. I don't know. There are some new movies that have come out and theaters are empty early in the morning." Garry nodded. "Sounds great to me!" 

After Ib and Garry had gotten ready to leave the house, Ib called her mother to tell her where they were going. "Don't go too far into town. Stay close to civilians." Ib nodded, and then corrected herself. "Yes, I know, mom. I'll be careful. It's only a movie. I've got my own money, yes. Okay. Bye!" Ib ended and Garry looked at her with his purple eyes. "We good?" he asked. Ib nodded once and opened the door, bouncing on her feet. "C'mon! We're not going to make it if you don't hurry up." Garry laughed and followed her out the door. While she locked the house Garry looked around. "Ib," he asked cautiously. "Don't take offense, but I was wondering: Do you have any other friends?" Ib blushed, looking down at her feet while they walked. "N-no... not really. I don't other people in my school." She knew why, but she definitely didn't want Garry to know.

"B-b-but it's true! There was a girl named Mary and she-" The other kids laughed at her. "Awh, c'mon, Eeeeb. Whattaya think I am, an idiot?" The boy rolled his eyes. "And the paintings attacked me!" he said in a high voice, mimicking Ib. "I'm not lying!" By now the whole class was watching her, laughing. "Give up the act, Eeeeeeeb. You're so dumb." The snarky girl's voice made Ib tighten her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palm as she felt her face turn red and her eyes water. "Aw, she's gonna cry!"

Ib shook her head once, clearing the memory away. "Aw, Ib! But friends are nice! You're my friend, right? It'd be sad if we weren't friends." Ib nodded, looking up as they neared the theater. She didn't realize that they'd walked so far while she was thinking about her past. "Two tickets, adult, uh, Killing Fever?" At the name Garry's eyes widened. "I was kidding! Honest. Two tickets to Walking The Highway." Garry relaxed slightly, still wary about the title. Ib payed for the tickets and they walked over to the food stands. "Two popcorn-" Garry interrupted. "One large popcorn," he corrected. "We can share, right?" Ib nodded, feeling her face turn pink. "One large popcorn and two drinks." Garry held the drinks while Ib took the popcorn and payed for it. They sat down in the almost-front seats. "There's only like five other people in here," Garry whispered. He reached for his soda and took a sip. His eyes widened and he began coughing, putting down the cup and  thumping his chest with his fist as he tried to stop. "Wow," he said hoarsely. "I forgot how Coke tastes like." He took a smaller sip and pulled back. "I need to go use the bathroom," he hissed, running out of the door. There was the sound of a door opening and Ib paused, raising one eyebrow, and then froze completely. There was a loud giggle as a group of teenagers that were Ib's age entered the room. They looked around in the near dim light and Ib forced herself not to shrink back as the leader noticed her. "Well, well, well," she jeered. "Eeeeb. I didn't know you had a social life." Ib shrugged, looking down at the ground. "Careful, Eeeeeeb! The paintings might attack you!" She looked up at the second voice. It was a boy with reddish-brown hair, someone Ib hadn't seen before. She looked at him in the face and she noticed that he blushed, even in the dimming light. Apparently he'd heard what everyone else had: Ib made up a story to become popular, but it hadn't worked. She tried not to look hurt as he looked away. He didn't even know her! "Mind if we sit here?" The girl, Brittany, sneered, sitting down right next to Ib. "Actually, uh, she might not, but I do." Garry's voice almost made Ib cry out with relief. Brittany turned around, ready to make a snarky comment to him, but broke off mid-sentence as she looked Garry up and down. "Well aren't you" She blinked slowly and winked flirtatiously at him, who looked both confused and annoyed. "I like your hair," she said, winking again when he didn't respond to her compliment. Garry scoffed at that and gently pushed her away. "I don't like how you're treating Ib. Not Eeeeeb, but Ib. Find another seat, please." Brittany, thouroughly embarassed, let out a loud "Ugh!" and stomped away. "I think I know why you don't like the kids at your school," Garry said. "I was behind them the whole time." He held up a box of gummy worms and smiled as he sat down. "Want some?" Ib nodded, letting out a shaky breath and wiping at her eyes, embarassed to be so close to crying. "Hey, don't be so down. You said this was a good movie, right?" Ib cleared her throat. "Yeah. I think it's starting soon." 

Sorry's Note:

So I was originally supposed to have a buttload more, but I couldn't wait to send in another chapter. I actually DID have a ton more, but my internet has just frozen and I lost ALL of my progress ;-; I'm so sorry about that!

P.S. I have actually decided on a plot, yahoo for that anyways.

P.P.S. I don't know if I should add in another important-ish main/side character. Plus, speaking about characters, I'm sorry I made Brittany sound totally rude. She's a character that I haven't decided if she'll be nice in the end or stay mean permanently.

P.P.P.S. Next chapter will probably put in Garry's P.O.V., which I don't know how it will turn out yet, either. Wish me the lucks, people, for I'll need them all. And also speaking of P.O.V.'s, I'm considering making some chapters in first-person. Don't know yet. Life in the stories are unstable.

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