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Garry's P.O.V.

Garry looked around. He was crouched down with Ib beside him-Woah. "Ib?" he said slowly. The little girl looked up at him. "What the...?" Ib was not the teenager with long brown hair and red eyes, but the little girl with long brown hair and red eyes. "Oh my, Ib. Something strange is going on here." Ib looked past him and he turned around, gasping. The mannequin head was staring at them, something dark red trickling down from it's eyes. "Ib! We have to get out of here. Now!" Garry grabbed her hand and tried to pull her up, but then another voice far different from Ib's answered. "Why, Garry? We can stay here. It'll be fun..."

Garry gasped and jumped up, almost tripping over the blankets that he had wrapped around him. "Ib?" he called out before clapping a hand over his mouth and realizing where he was. Back in Ib's house. He looked at the clock on his desk. It was six in the morning. He might as well change and do something productive. He saw some clothes on the desk that hadn't been there last night, and a note on them. 'You needed something new. Enjoy!' No doubt it was Ib's mother. He grinned and took a purple shirt and some dark jeans. He nodded, satisfied. He put the rest of the clothes away. He could clean his room... At the thought Garry shook his head. Maybe later. He went into the kitchen and looked around for something to eat. He could go to town, maybe. He still had some money. Walking into his bedroom again, he took a few dollars and was about to go out when he remembered his coat. He took it and put it on while he looked for something to write to Ib where he was going. On a blank sheet of paper he'd gotten from the office in the house, he wrote that he would be back sooner or later and left it in the kitchen before heading outside.

Garry stared at all the pastries in the bakery. He remembered going here a lot before the gallery. "Good morning, sir! How can you? Garry?" He looked up. The woman on the other side of the counter had short reddish-brown hair and green eyes. She looked almost familiar. "Ms. River?" he asked, amazed. She smiled. "Garry, what in the world? You haven't changed a bit since I last saw you!" He grimaced. "It's a long story." He gasped and pressed his nose against the glass. Ms. River laughed and bent down to see what he was staring at. "Macaroons?" he asked eagerly. "Of course, Garry. How many?" He thought about it. "As many as I can buy with this," he said, handing her the ten dollars. She gave him a few and he sighed, sitting down at a table. Ms. River sat beside him. "Jaco, can you sweep up around here?" A voice came from another room. "Sure." A boy around Garry's age came and began sweeping up, whistling to himself. He had red-brown hair. "You," Garry said curiously. The boy looked up. "You were at the movies that one day, right?" The guy cleared his throat nervously. He probably remembered Garry and Ib. "Uh, yeah." Garry nodded slowly. "This is my nephew, Jaco. He works here for some extra cash. Seems like you two met before?" Garry nodded ruefully. "It wasn't quite on polite terms." He turned to look at Ms. River. "Extra cash?" Taking a macaroon out of the bag, he chewed it thoughtfully. "Do you need any more help around this place? I could really use a job..." Ms. River laughed and nodded. "As a matter of fact, I could use another hand. Preferably someone who probably wouldn't mind coming here more often." Garry grinned.

Ib's P.O.V.

Ib walked into the kitchen, confused. Garry wasn't in his room. She saw a note on the table from him and read it. Although she was a little bit sad that he left without her, Ib didn't mind all too much. Garry needed his personal space and she wasn't going to be a brat about it. Right at that moment, though, she heard the front door opening and someone whistling cheerfully. "Ib! I got myself a job!" She saw him standing by the door, practically bouncing on his feet. "The bakery was hiring. And I also got you something!" He held out the bag to her. "What is this?" she asked, opening it. "Macaroons!" Garry smiled at her. Ib let out a giggle. "Were you eating these on the way home?" she asked, staring at the lone macaroon in the bag. "I may have taken a few," he said, sounding dismayed as he realized that there was only one left. Ib took the macaroon out and smiled. "It's kinda cute," she said as she took a bite. "What do you think, Ib? Is it good?" She nodded, finishing it and grinning. "But there's one thing wrong..." she said sadly. Garry's purple eyes widened. "You don't like it?" he said worriedly. "That's not it. You only left me one!" 

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