Like, Whatever.

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Garry's P.O.V.

Garry walked into the classroom, feeling himself blush as it went silent. Ib pulled on his coat and he looked down at her. "Oh. Right." Walking to the teacher, Garry handed her his forms. "Nice to have you with us this month, Garry. Sit down right there. Do you have someone to help you with your classes?" Garry nodded. "I think I do. Ib was showing me aro-" The teacher interrupted. "Ib? At least can you hear her?" She chuckled and Ib smiled. "Yes, Ma'am. We just finished with the tour." He went to sit down in his seat. It felt hard and uncomfortable and he shifted slightly, trying not to look annoyed. "Are you new here?" a boy asked next to him. "You could say that." In truth, Garry had gone to this school several years back, but it seemed that his old teachers had all retired or moved away. "That's cool. I'm Erick, and I heard Mrs. Falls say that you're Garry. Did I hear that right?" Garry nodded and the boy continued speaking. "Cool that you're here, especially today. If you'd been here yesterday or at all this year old Goss would've given you that project we're working on. I'm working on it with Ib. She came in with you, in case you didn't notice. Hey! Hey, Ib!" She looked up from the papers she was writing on and waved once. "She's really quiet. Really quiet. But hey, I wouldn't blame her. People here don't like her and I guess she's used to it by now. I kinda hope she is. I'd die if I didn't have any friends. Guess I could count you as my friend now, huh?" Garry nodded. From behind him someone tapped his shoulder. "Hey there, purple hair. So I see you're new here?" Garry nodded at the new voice and turned around. It was a girl with bright red lips and thick eyelashes. "Jeez, Melanie, I'm talking here!" She scoffed at that. "Please. Like you don't already do too much of that. Sorry that you had to come in with Ib. She's a...well, let's say it like it is: Insane. Pyscho. Like, whatever. Back a few years ago, she told us all that she'd been stuck inside an art gallery with some dude. Art gallery! Who even goes to those anymore? Who went to those back then, either? Whatever. I even asked her a couple days ago when it was just her and me and Jake and she still kept with it! Like, what gives?" Garry felt himself getting annoyed with the girl and her too-cool-for-you attitude. "Nobody believed her?" he asked. Melanie nodded, rolling her eyes, while Erick shrugged, looking away. "I mean, would you? Like, whatever. She's boring, anyways. Probably came up with it to get attention." Garry probably looked suspicious because Melanie looked at him curiously. "Do you believe her?" As much as Garry wanted to know people, he knew that Ib was his friend more than he'd ever want Melanie or Erick or anyone to be if they didn't believe him. "Yeah, actually, I do." Erick and Melanie looked at him, surprise written all over their face. "Are you insane?" Melanie asked, her voice high. "Oh! You're kidding. I almost fell fo-" Garry shook his head. "Sometimes I wish I was, but no. I was the guy with her. Yes, we were at an art gallery. I go to those-at least, I used to." Melanie giggled nervously and began to move away. Erick stared at him. "Is it true?" he whispered, his eyes wide. "Every word of it." Erick's face paled. "Then Ib...her life depended on a flower? And you?" Garry nodded, moving back to sit normally. "She could have died?" Erick asked in a softer voice. "We both could have." Erick let out a breath. Although he hung out with people like Melanie, Garry decided to himself that Erick didn't belong with them. He seemed to care an awful lot for Ib... "I was protecting her," Garry said. I sound jealous, he thought, hoping he wasn't blushing. "Although she barely needed it." That sounded better. "Barely needed it?" Garry shrugged. "Ib's a tough girl." Erick nodded, backing into his seat and glancing at Ib once more. 

(Sorry's Note)

So yes, my chapters have gotten shorter. BUT I can explain! I've wanted there to be around twenty chapters in this story, but if I make all of them long and awesome [hopefully] there won't be enough to make fifteen, and other than that I won't be switching their P.O.V.s as much. Another thing ^-^ I am SOOOOOO HAPPY that this story has officially recieved more than 100 views! Even though 100 might not be a big number in Wattpad, it's one of the closest brushes I've had to fame. So thank you everyone for reading, and if you keep reading I promise that it's going to get very interesting very soon! Thank you so much again! As the Latin say, vale! (Means farewell/goodbye XD) [Oh by the way! My other story is going to be updated within another few days. Keep patient with me! I've been itching to make another fanfiction and it's really distracting me :/]

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