Chapter 1: Last time seen

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          BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Jacks alarm goes off and he snaps awake and sits up. He looks at his calendar where he looks at the circle, inside the circle reads Anna B-day. "Yay" he says "today I get to leave for a week with the love of my life." Jack gets out of bed, gets dressed in his favorite jeans, leather jacket and his brown leather boots. He grabbed his backpack and the keys to his '69 Chevy pickup truck and heads to school.   

          Jack walks into school and heads toward his locker, where he puts his backpack and coat. Arms circle his waist "Hi Babe" Anna says from behind him. "Happy birthday Love" says Jack. He spins around and pushes her against the lockers. They lock eyes as Jack brushes her scarlet hair out of her face, he slowly leans in and kisses her soft lips. They stop as Anna's sister and her boyfriend walk up to them. "Hey sis" says Anna. "Hey" replies Nikki. "Sup Brendan" says Jack. "Hey, so what you two doing for your birthday Anna?" asks Brendan. "Well we are.... wait what are we doing babe? " We are going on a color tour up north babe, i know you love the colors and wildlife" exclaims Jack. The bell rings and everyone heads to class not knowing if that was the last time they would ever see each other again.

          The school day ends and Jack and Anna meet at his locker, "ready to go babe or do you need to grab some things from your house?" "I have a couple things to grab," "ok then lets go." They walk to Jack's truck and get inside, he puts the key in the ignition and starts up the truck and drives to Anna's house. They pull into the driveway as Anna steps out of the truck Jack asks if he should come in. She says "no stay here in case my grandma is home." She walks inside, "hey Nikki is grandma home?" "Yea but she is asleep just leave the note and get out of here quick." "Okay, will you be ok staying here by yourself?" "Yea of course I will as long as I stay out of her way then ill be ok." "Ok but if you need to get out of here call Brendan he already know where me and Jack are staying he will bring you up and you to can come up and stay with us." Anna grabs her clothes and a couple other things and runs out to the truck where Jack sits and waits. She jumps in and says "drive" they take off for Jack's family cabin. 

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