Chapter 4: The town

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                The crazed man walks over to his victim pulls the arrow out of his neck and licks from the feathers up the shaft all the way to the crudley made stone broadhead. Jack and Anna just stare in horror.  Then old man looks at Jack and Anna his tounge still hanging out of his mouth as the blood drips off the tip of his tounge. Jack locks eyes with the pshyco, thats when he gets knocked out of his trans as Anna screams with tears streaimg down her face. "Jack drive now get the hell out of here." Jack quickly hits the gas and head straight for the man. But the man just stands there and nocks another arrow pulls back and releases. The arrow heads straight for Anna, but she drops to the floor as the arrow reaches the windsheild and gose half way into it the arrow now embedded in the windshield. Jack continues to speed towards the man only a few feet away, the truck is about to hit a body when at the last second the man jumps to the side dissapering in the under brush of the forest. They continue to fly down the road as a strange silence falls upon them, the only thing you can here is the truck engine and soft stiffled sobs coming from Anna. 

                 For the next four hours they keep driving not daring to stop. Anna is fast asleep but shifting and squirming around as if she is having a nightmare. Jacks mind wonders back to the eyes, he knows he will never forget them. The sicking yellow pupil and they were blood shot to all hell. The way they darted around never focusing on one thing until he shot, and they had an uneasy twitch as if he was on drugs. Jack shakes his head putting the image in the back of his mind and continues to drive. Anna wakes up and streches and says "are we there yet?" "I think i took a wrong turn we should have been there awhile ago" "WHAT!!!!!!" Anna snaps "your driving around with a deranged lunatic in these woods," she points to the arrow still stuck in the windsheild. "Dont worry love there is no way we will see him again we are miles from that place, look there is a sign for a town we will stop and ask for directions ok." "Ok babe but the first sign of trouble we are out of there." "Of course love." They drive in and see few cars and some stores non are open. They turn the corner and see a motel that says open they pull up in front get out of the truck and walk inside. There is a older lady at the desk "hi my name is Susan how may I help ypu today?" Jack steps to the counter and says "yes we lost took a wrong turn and ended up here do you know how we can get to the bottom north side of the mountin?" "Of course dear but its far to late to do it now you wont be able to see were your going even with headlights,  why dont you two stay here the night and I will map it out for you tommorrow." Sounds great how much per room?" "Nothing at all sweetiesense your just passing through and staying for a little while then no need the paper work." "Why thank you, so which room will we be staying in?" "Follow me." Jack and Anna follow Susan to one of the rooms and walk inside. "Hope you like it," Susan says as she exits the room. Jack and Anna say nothing at all to each other they just shut off the lights lay in bed and let sleep over take them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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