Chapter 2: Wrong way

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           They leave the small town of Bridgeport and get on I-75 and begin the long drive to the cabin. For about 45 minutes the traffic is pretty good, no traffic jams or any reason to stop. Then the get off in Gaylord for gas, they find an older gas station with reasonable prices and stop. Jack gets out of the truck and walks in. DING DING the door sounds as he opens it. Jack steps inside and he gets really uncomfortable. Yet he walks to the counter but there is no one there so he yells out "hello anyway in the back." No one answers so he turns around to walk back outside when a middle age man with brown matted hair and blood fury eyes comes sprinting at him. He jumps the counter straight at Jack. Jack quickly drops to the floor as the crazed man lands on the other side of him and keeps running out of the store and into the nearby woods. Jack stands up completely unaware at what just happened when another man yells from the back "And stay out ya crazed bastered I dont want to see your filthy ass anywhere near my store again." Jack looks at the man as he emerges from the back room, "whats wrong with that man?" "He is a local who spent way to much time in the woods alone, he slowly went insane and says he can control animals and the spirits in the forest and mountains now," says the store clerk. "Well dose he need help?" "Wont let anyone try when ever someone dose he either attacks and bites or runs away, but lets just drop the subject how may I help you?" Jack looks confused as why the man wanted to change the subject so soon, "ummm twenty on pump two." "Will that be all?" "Yes, thank you." Jack turns to walk out the door when the clerk says to him "dont go back on the highway its a mad house of traffic jams, take the back roads through the forest and up the mountain to the other side and that will bring you to twin lakes." Jack stops dead in his tracks and thinks how dose the man know were they are heading? He hopes its just one of his old mans friends and had spoke to him recently but jack dosent stick around to find out he wants the hell outta there. He goes and fills up the truck as Anna questions him on what had happened, Jack just says "nothing i want to explain right now," he puts the gas nozzle back into the pump gets in the truck and looks at Anna. But he notices movement behind her and his eyes light up in horror. The crazed man is standing at the edge of the woods just inside the tree line starring at him breathing heavily with a bloody knife in his hand. To make it worse its only thirty yards away were the blood crazed man stands.

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