Chapter 3: Beginning of the end

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           Anna looks at him and wonders why dose he look so scarred and turns and see the old man. Jack snaps out of his gaze as the old man takes a step from the tree line, Jack immediately starts the truck. But its like a switch, as soon as the truck roars to life the crazed man breaks into a full out sprint towards the truck. Jack slams the truck into drive and hits the gas, the truck begins to move forward when all of a sudden THUMP. The man i sin the back of the truck slamming at the back window. Jack speeds off as Anna is screaming, Jack notices he is heading straight for the thick woods so he quickly slams on the breaks. This sends the old man over the top of the truck and he smashes into a tree. Jack throws it into reverse and speeds out of there, he looks into the rear view mirror and watches as the man stands up grabs his knife pull it to his face and lick the blade then turn around and disappear. "What the hell did he want?" Anna says through deep breathes. "I dont know but we are not stopping anytime soon, i want you to call the cops and tell them what happened" "Ok but should we go back home?" Jack looks at her with a shocked look on her face "ha no we are not gonna let a psychotic old man ruin your birthday trip." "Ok but how much longer will we be on the highway?" Anna asks. "Babe we will not be taking the highway, we are gonna take some back roads to avoid any traffic" "WHAT" Anna screams "where that old creep just went into are you crazy?" "The highway is surrounded by woods to he could get us there to and in that case we will be sitting ducks at least on a back road we can speed right through it." "I dont like this idea Jack." "Dont worry if we see him again ill flash this at him," Jack reaches along side the door and pulls out his fathers colt 45. "I thought I said no weapons Jack." "I know what you said love but you know i always want protection especially when i have you, I dont want anyone or anything getting to you." "Fine," Anna mumbles as she tries to hide her blushing face. They turn down the back road and begin there way. The farther they drive the thicker the woods seem to get. But they ride with the windows down so they can feel the warm summer air and smell the fresh pine. They drive deeper into the wilderness when all of a sudden a man runs into the road. Jack slams on the breaks as he looks at the man with aww struck wonder. "What the hell? How is that even possible?" "Should we get out and help he looks hurt, and what is impossible?" Jack then notices the man is defiantly hurt as he sees the blood running from his face, "that is the store clerk from the gas station." "Wait here," Jack says as he begins to get out. But as soon as he opens his door an arrow flies out of the thick woods directly into the mans neck, the mans eyes bulge as blood begins to squirt from the hole. Jack jumps back into the truck, slams his door shut and locks the doors. He looks down fumbling for the pistol, he gets it then looks up. Out of the woods steps the crazed man he had seen just hours ago.

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