Liozel- My Daily Routine

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I sat up in bed, and expertly deflected the knife that was aimed at my head. As I removed the trap from my bedspread, I used my slipper too smack my little brother in the face as he lunged at me with a knife. I severed the string that would have dropped a 2 ton rock on my head as I exited my room, and deflected my mother's frying pan too the face.

As I made my way through the house, I managed to avoid every single assassination attempt, and only recieved a cat scratch from Calla. I removed the poisonous mushroom from my breakfast plate, gave my mother a dirty look (she knew I didn't even like mushrooms), and removed the spike from my chair. I exited the house, and made my way to the village.

As I collected my daily necessities, I managed to dodge 24 assassination attempts, which told me that there would be around 6 as I exited town. I leaped onto a washing pole, and jumped down in front of my neighbor. She was carrying a new basket, which told me that either A: she got a new basket from the basket weaver, or B: she had a poison powder in her basket. I decided it was most likely B, and as she dipped her hand into the basket, (I noticed she was wearing gloves) I grabbed the lid and used it as a shield against the powder.

I smiled and leaped onto the nearest house, and ran across the roof tops to my sensei's house. Arriving there precisely on time, I told her of the morning's events.

"You should have been more careful of Calla." she told me. Calla was one of my cats, and the moodiest one at that. She was a deep shade of black, and loved hiding in the shadows. A perfect pet for a ninja assassin.

"Sensei!" I complained. "You have to admit, I was pretty good! And besides, it barely even touched me!" I showed her my palm, which displayed a thin ridge of severed skin, not deep enough to even draw blood.

She examined it, and nodded. "Very good. Cats are precocious animals. Dodging an angry cat is nearly impossible. I will admit it, yes. I am proud of your work so far today." I smiled, happy of the praise. She stood, her flowing robes disguising her thin, lithe form.

My master is the most dangerous person in town, closely followed by me. Just looking at us, you would have never guessed it. My master has black hair, with streaks of silver that manage to look sophisticated and not elderly. She has deep brown eyes that seem to examine your entire existence, and judge everything about you.

She has a gun hidden in her Décolletage, and her bun hides poison darts. She has a belt around her waist that holds a fan that happens to have blades attached to the ends. The belt also has tiny daggers concealed in between the two fabric layers. Her perfect posture conceals the sword she has down her back. The sleeves of her flowing robe conceal all the materials needed to blow up an entire city, or just one room. Her rings contain various poisons and antidotes.

I'm not very tall, kind of average. My jet black hair is down to my waist, and I always pull it back into two thick french braids on the sides (good for hiding poison darts, extra poison, etc.). I wear similar robes to my master, except mine are tighter at the top with flowy sleeves that conceal my bladed fans. I wear deerskin leggings under my robes, since the skirt is slit in the front to make it easy for me to run.

I have knee-high boots that conceal my daggers, and my dart gun. My belt conceals daggers like my master's, but far less of them. My best weapon by far is my lotus flower. The center peice has a balm for curing poison, the feelers release poison, the next layer of petals can cover the poison, and the last layer is a combination lock which only I know the password to.

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