Hetalia celebrities Halloween

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England: "And they were never heard from, ever again! The end!" England looked over to a shivering young America in his lap.
England: "I told you that story was too scary for you!"
America: "I-it was-wasn't that scary."
England: "Are you sure? You're shivering like I left you out in the cold!"
America: "N-nothing the hero can't ha-handle!"
England: "Haha, sure little one!" England gently picked up young America, "Let's go get your costume on!"
America: "Y-you mean we're actually going...?"
England: "Yes, of course! The little hero is able to handle that, right?"
America: "Y-yeah! Can we trick or treat with friends?"
England: "Of course! The more the merrier!" England put on the child's costume of a superhero on America.
England: "Ok, let's go!"
America: "Wait!" England turned around to look at America.
England: "What?"
America: "You almost forgot to put on your costume!"
England: "Do I have to wear a costume?"
America: "yes!"
England: "Sigh, fine just give me a second. While you wait, why don't you call your friends?"
America: "ok!"
America wanted to invite France, China, Prussia, Spain, and Austria.
America: "and bring whoever you want!"
England: comes downstairs dressed as a wizard. "Did you call your guests?"
America: "yes iggy san!"
England: "good America chan!"
England: "well let's get going then. Let's go meet up with your friends."
America: "ok iggy san!!" America runs outside and waits for his first Halloween party!
France: "Ah! America! I brought my Canada for this occasion!"
Canada: "H-hi America kun....."Canada waved shyly with a paw. (He is a polar bear)
America: "Hello France! And who's Canada? Or where?"
France: "Right here child!" France holds up Canada (France is an Incubus. My friend's idea, not mine.)
England: "Sigh, hello frog. And it's nice to see you Canada! America, why don't you talk to Canada and I'll welcome the rest of our guests, ok?"
America: "uh, ok Engwand."
Canada: "No! I wanna be with France!" Canada held on to France.
America: "Aw, come on Canada!"
France: "Now now little one, go with little America!" France put Canada down and America dragged him away from France.
England: "aren't you going to go with Canada."
France turned to face England.
France: "No, he needs to be independent from time to time."
England: "ok." goes to sit down. "Then what are you going to do?"
France: "Help you greet guests of course!" Hears the doorbell ring. "Here's someone now!
England: "Sigh, coming!"
Prussia: "Hello, non awesome peoples! I brought my bruder, Germany! And I'm zhe awesome Prussia!"
England: "ah yes, hello Prussia, Germany. How are you?"
Prussia: "I'm awesome of course!!" walks in.
England: "yes, of course (cough cough sarcasm cough cough) America is in the living room with Canada."
Prussia: "little kids aren't cool! But you guys aren't cool either!" Sits down and drinks beer. "Come on Germany!"
England face palms. (He's already drunk!)
France: "Well then... When who's next?" Pours a glass of wine. Doorbell rings. "Another one!"
England: "Frog, can you get that for me? I need to make some tea."
France: opens the door. "Hello lovelies!"
Italy: "Hello!"
Austria: "Hello..."
America comes running in from the other room.
America: "hey dud! Come on, everyone is in the living room!"
Italy: "Yay!!" runs to the living room.
Austria: "sighs."
China: "Nin hao aru!"
Japan: "Jon'nichiwa."
Korea: "Annyeonghaseyo!"
Ps: it all means hello in there language.
France: "Hello fellow nations! Come in!" Smiles.
China: "Xiexie!"
Korea and Japan walked to the living room. Well, Japan walked, Korea ran. PPS: what China said was thank you. And no, I won't have China say everything in Chinese.
After a couple of minutes, everyone is settled down and enjoying the party.
England is talking with China and Prussia in the kitchen about something funny when America came running up to him.
America: "Engwand! Engwand!"
England puts his tea on the counter and bends down to America's eye level. "What is it?"
America: "someone's missing!"
England did a head count and noticed America was right. Spain and Romano haven't shown up yet. Then all of a sudden there was a knock at the door.
England: "well speak of the devil. Coming!"

England opens the door to find a sheepish smiling Spain and a grumpy looking Romano.
Spain: "sorry were late, we got stuck in traffic."
England: "well, at least your here now. America was wondering where you guys were. Anyway, the kids are in the living room and the grown ups are in the kitchen."
Spain: "Ok! Romano, why don't you go hang out with the others while I go talk to the grown ups?"
Romano: "Whatever tomato basterd."
Spain mumbles : "you like tomatoes too."
Spain turns around to go talk to the grown ups while Romano goes to the living room with all the other little kids. (Since your all probably wondering what there costumes are, I'm going to take a moment to tell you guys what they are.) Romano is a cute Fox! Italy is a wolf! Germany is a vampire! Korea is a mummy! (I personally think it would be adorable if Chibi Korea dressed as a mummy.) Japan is a Kitsune! Prussia is an Awesome demon! China is I think a Jiangshi! (Look it up) Spain is Jack Skellington! Austria is a demon doctor!

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