Who's the cutest of them all Lauren? So I can make a dream for you

439 11 13
  • Dedicated to Lauren Cratt

This was a conversation between me and a friend from Acteens. Straight from my text messages. Aren't we just full of fun? ^-^

[Ashley is online]

[Lauren is online]

Ashley: Have you decided who the cutest TT guy is yet?

Lauren: Nooooo

Ashley: Hehehehehe! *pulls out oil balloon* look what I got BB to make me! Hehehe! Decide! Or else... *tosses oil balloon from hand to hand menacingly*

Lauren: I'm scared now :(

Ashley: It's okay, now tell me... *holds up oil balloon* who's the cutest of them all?

Lauren: Wait... Do I get hit if I just don't answer or if I give the wrong answer?

Ashley: Only if you don't answer. There is no wrong answer... Unless you say Control Freak... Then I'll probably throw this baby *tosses oil balloon and catches it* by 'accident'

Lauren: Hmmm...

Ashley: Hmmm... *tosses oil balloon thoughtfully* oh look! A rock! What would happen if I tripped over that?! That would be awful! The balloon would burst all over you!

Lauren: -_-

Ashley: Just think, if you answer, there won't be any reason for me to walk over there... hehehe

Lauren: Hmmm... I think... I might have to say... Beast Boy... *runs and hides behind a really big rock* O_-

Ashley: Awww... Beast Boy is cute too, you gotta admit! ^-^ he's one of my fav characters! Gah! It's Control Freak! *runs after him, falls behind Lauren's rock* Splat! Haha! It hit him! *pulls out water balloon* here we- *trips* splat! Aww... I'm so sorry Lauren! *pulls out towel* here ya go


Ashley: Sorry! *pulls out blanket* here *wraps it around you* Beast Boy!! Come carry her! *BB runs up, salutes* yes ma'am! *picks you up*

Lauren: :D

Ashley:Ohmygummibearsgottago!Mycatiseatingthemutantcanary!Igottafeedmyllama!I'mbakingacasserole! Notimebye!

[Ashley is offline. Message: My llama is trying to eat my goldfish!]

Lauren: Since when did she have a goldfish?! Her cat ATE her goldfish last time she had one! And she doesn't have a mutant canary! And she can't bake a casserole worth crap! But she can decorate! But llamas don't eat fish... do they? O_O her mutant llama! AAAAHHH! Look out! A flying fish! Gotta go!

[Lauren is offline. Message: Gotta feed my pet chinchilla!]

[Halimeh is online]

[Richard is online]

[Koriand'r is online]

[Garfield is online]

Halimeh: What the crap?!

Richard: Okayyy...

Koriand'r: They spoke of imaginary creatures, yes?

Richard: Yeah, Star. Yes they did.

Garfield: :#)

Richard: Oooohhhhh... you're lucky Raven isn't-

[Raven is online]

Garfield: Look at the time! Gotta go!

[Garfield is offline]

Raven: *deadpan* what?

[Raven is offline. Message: Beast Boy is gonna get it.]

Koriand'r: Beast Boy will require saving, yes? Do you wish to save him, Robin?

Richard: No thanks. Raven will take care of it ;)

Halimeh: *plays funeral music* poor Beast Boy...

Koriand'r: Why is depressing music sounding?

Halimeh: Cause BB is gonna die *starts singing along to Livin' and Die, quicky changes it back to funeral music* hehe. My bad...

Richard: ???

Halimeh: My sheep is calling! Coming, Fluffy!

[Halimeh is offline]

Richard: Okayyyy

Koriand'r: Very interesting. Robin, do you wish to get the pizza with Cyborg and do the 'hanging out' with the injured Beast Boy and slightly calmer Raven?

Richard: Sure. Gotta water my mandrake plant first.

Koriand'r: I thought you only had daisies and roses.

Richard: STARFIRE DON'T SAY THAT!!! We never know who might be reading this conversation...

[Richard is offline]

Koriand'r: Why is everyone speaking of imaginary things and non-existent chores?

[Koriand'r is offline]

[Ashley is online]

Ashley: Cause it's 'Fake Excuse Day'!!! ^-^ hehehehe! Excuse me, 'Lame Excuse Day'! I gotta go! My tacos need saving from my pet anaconda!

[Ashley is offline]

[Halimeh is online]


[Halimeh is offline]

[Fluffy is online]

Fluffy: BAAAAHHH! (I never called her! I was kidnapped! Help meeeee

[Fluffy has been disconnected]

[Halimeh is online]

Halimeh: No he wasn't!! Hey! A flying turtle! I love turtles!

[Halimeh is offline]

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