Chapter 1

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hello my name is Isobel but you can call me Izzie for short.this is my story. this is the story of how i became i Time Lord.yeah i know thats pretty cool. but lets get started on my long story.

6 years old

"izzie" my mom yelled as she frantically searched the house. but i wasn't there. i had left about half an hour ago to go to the park about half a mile down the road. i decided to try a shortcut and go through the woods in the backyard,but i got lost on the way and then i found something. something i didn't expect to find in the woods.a box. a big blue box. for some reason i felt drawn towards the box. i stood there looking at it for about 5 mins before i decided to knock on the door,as if there was someone inside the box. i knocked 3 times. then the door opened. i jumped back as a man with sticky uppy hair and brown eyes stuck his head outside the door of the box.he looked down and noticed me standing there startled."oh hello, its okay you don't have to be afraid of me" he said. i hesitantly replied "umm,hi.". "you're lost aren't you" i nodded in response. "well come inside with me come on its okay you can trust me." i hesitantly followed him inside the box. once inside i was in awe as to how big it was inside that box. there was a hexagonal control panel in the middle of the giant room. the man walked up a ramp that led to the control panel, and i followed him. he instructed me to sit on a jump seat that sat on the railing around the control panel. i did as told and took a seat and he came and stood in front of me and bent down so he was eye level with me. "whats your name." he asked. "izzie, whats yours" i replied "The Doctor". "Doctor Who" "exactly"he grinned."why do you live in a box in the middle of the woods?"i asked "because i lost someone very dear to me, but enough about me lets get you home." so i told him my address and he stood and started frantically running around the control panel while pushing random buttons. he then stopped with his hand on a lever,and looked at me and said "hold on". i braced my self and held on to the railing. he watched until i was holding on to the railing and he pulled the lever. the box shook like crazy until it was completely still."outside those doors is home." i ran up to him and gave him a hug and went to the doors and opened them. and before i left i turned and said "bye Doctor thank you for helping me". "you're very welcome Izzie. anytime"and with that i turned and left. i saw my house and started walking up my driveway, which strangely enough had cop cars in it. but when i got to the door and looked back and the box wasn't there.i just shrugged it off and went inside. there were a lot of cops in the foyer of my house. they all froze when they saw me. "mrs. Collins"one called. then my mother walked into the room and when she saw me her face lit up and ran to me and engulfed me in a hug. she looked me over to see if i had been hurt." where on earth have you been" she asked me. "i wanted to go to the park" i replied. she hugged me again ,and said "never leave me again". But i did i left again for much longer than two days.

15 years old

I'm on my walk home from school like everyday,but this day was different. as i turned the street corner i saw something i thought i would never see again a box, the box. the one that made me go to five different shrinks over the past nine years, and the man who lived inside that bigger on the inside box. i dropped my backpack and ran towards the box screaming his name"DOOCTOR!". once i got to the doors i knocked 3 times like i did all those years ago. and a face i thought i would never see again stepped out. he looked at me his eyes widening. "Izzie?" he said i nodded in response. he gave me a big hug "I've missed you so much" i said into the hug." I've missed you too". once the hug was over he motioned me to come inside. and i followed him inside. the interior was the same and i ran up to the console and made my way around until i plopped myself on the jump seat ." how long?" "what?" "how long has it been since you saw me in the woods" "oh umm... Nine years"i replied hesitantly. "how long has it been for you?" "three months" " how is that possible?!" "oh yeah we didn't cover that the last time. umm... well this is the TARDIS." he motioned to the box or TARDIS i guess. "it stands for: time and relative dimension in space." "space? does that mean you can go to different planets?" "yeah any where in the universe at my fingertips. from the Slitheen of Raxicoricofallipatorius to the ice warriors of mars" "are those aliens" "umm yeah" "are you alien" "umm yeah. are you okay with that?" "umm yeah wear are you from?" "Gallifrey, but it doesn't exist anymore because of a war. i don't wanna talk about it anymore" and at that time a sharp pain hit me in the head, and i started screaming at the top of my lungs. holding my head and fell to the floor in the fetal position. "Izzie what is it whats wrong"the doctor yelled over my screaming, while pulling a weird long silver stick out of his coat pocket. he seemed to scan me with the stick. "no it cant be. Freya? " he muttered under his breath "Izzie i need you to open your eyes for me. this is very important, trust me" i did as told and slowly opened my eyes. the doctor stared at my eyes and sighed with relief . "ok good you're far enough along. okay Izzie do you happen to have a fob watch with strange circles all over it?" i slowly nodded my head still hurting but better than before. "i got it for my tenth birthday" "ok. umm.. do you know where it is" yeah its in my bedroom" and with that said he picked me up bridal style and ran through the TARDIS doors and out onto my road. he instantly ran to my house , and stopped in the foyer. " where is you're room?" " upstairs second door on the right" he sprinted upstairs , and ran into my mom at the top of the stairs. " who the bloody hell are you and why are you carrying my daughter!" "I'm the doctor and i need to get your daughter to her room now" and he sprinted past my mom and to my room, and my mom running right behind him. he came to my room and set me on my bed. "its in the first drawer on the left-hand side of my vanity" "thank you" and he went to go get the watch. " what are you looking for" my mother asked. "the watch that you gave Izzie for her tenth birthday" the doctor responded finding the watch and bringing it over to me. "i need you to open this" "but it wont I've tried to open it but it wouldn't budge." "just trust me" i took the watch and opened it surprised it actually opened. then a golden light came out of the watch and surrounded me. i was lifted up in the air, and so many memories flooded through my head. i screamed out in pain as a second heart formed in the right side of my chest, and every cell dying and being reborn. regeneration was finally over, and i fell to the ground."Freya? are you okay?" "yeah I'm fine. but before i we can go any further i got one question" "i can already answer that for you. the answer is yes, you are in fact a ginger" "yes my dream has come true" i squealed hugging the doctor." what just happened and where the hell is my daughter!?"my mother yelled at the both of us. " mom its me Izzie your daughter." "your daughter Izzie, um...she regenerated."okay I'm just going to go with it before i have a heart attack or something."and she just walked off. i walked over to a mirror to examine my new look. i was about 5' 9" with wavy bright red hair and strangely enough yellow golden eyes with red flecks in them. the doctor came behind me and hugged me. " I've missed you." The doctor muffled through my hair."I've missed you too. So where do you want to go." " hmm... Let's just put her on random." "I like that idea" I grinned. And with that we went to the TARDIS. When we entered the TARDIS I felt at home. I walked up to the console and stroked her as she hummed. " I've missed you old girl I whispered." The Doctor then reached around me and flipped a switch. " you better hold on" he said grinning wildly with a hand on a lever. I held on tight because I knew how bad his driving was,and I braced myself.

A/N - This is my first fan fiction so please bare with me.

Also I need someone to proofread my chapters before I upload them so if you are interested please let me know.

It all started with a walk in the woods- a Doctor who fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat