Chapter 4

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Don't you dare say his name" "I'm sorry" realizing that he had crossed the line."I didn't mean to get so defensive. Here how about I let you think about it and calm down while we defeat the Raziglics ,and then we can sit down and talk about it." I know he is just procrastinating this argument, but he is right about the Raziglics we need it get rid of them as soon as possible. "Ok we will talk about it later" and we stood up and headed for the TARDIS to arm ourselves.


"Freya you look dashing in your dress" the doctor whispered in my ear. It was finally here one year six months and eighteen days since the Doctor proposed. It was finally our wedding day. But I had a secret I hadn't told the Doctor yet. I am pregnant. It's his of course,and I plan to tell him after the ceremony. I had zoned out from the pastor until he asked me to whisper my name into the Doctor's ear. I did as told and the Doctor grinned "you have a beautiful name." Next the Doctor whispered his name in my ear. It was lovely. Next we headed home to get ready for our 'honeymoon' (since our favorite race was humans we decided to do a earth themed wedding) the doctor was in his closet packing some clothes in a duffel bag "doctor can I talk to real quick"I called "sure" he walked in and sat down beside me on the bed "what I'm about to tell you is either a good thing or a bad. I think it's good amazing in fact-" "stop stalling Freya what ever it is I'll be happy as long as you are" "alright. I'm pregnant" the Doctor just sat there. Then he snapped back and he had a big grin on his face "Freya,honey how could you see that as a bad thing, this is a wonderful thing" "oh I'm glad you're happy."

Nine months had past and one more to go. We had found out that it was a girl and the doctor was really excited. But in the meantime a war had started I trained and fought until the military found out I was pregnant. The Doctor however still fought. One day I decided to visit my father, so I made my way to the Capitol building. Once I got there I made my way to his office. I knocked as I entered my father sat there looking at battle plans. Once he saw me entering he put them away. "Why what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my beautiful daughter." "I just wanted to pop in for a visit is that ok" I replied giving him a hug. " well I certainly like this surprise, I haven't seen you as much since the war started" "well you are in charge, Gallifrey needs you." "I actually don't know how much longer we can hold on. The war is getting worse and worse every day and I can't lose you, so I must do this." "Do what father your scaring me" he injected me with a liquid.


By the time I zoned back in we were at the TARDIS. "I'll go to the kitchen and get all the salt from there,and you can go to the pool and get water squirters then head left for two interceptions then a right and an immediate left and the artificial beach will be on your right. Fill up the water squirters, the tanks are a lot bigger than you think so it might take longer than you think then meet back here in the console room" I followed the doctor's instructions and made my way to the pool. After I left the pool I made my way to the beach. As I made my way past the first interception I saw something that caught my eye. A door with circular Gallifreyan on it it read the Doctor's name. 

The curious person I am I entered and saw his bedroom. It had a bed that was neatly made because a time lord doesn't usually sleep, a dresser, door leading to his closet, and another leading to a bathroom. And at last a nightstand by the bed with a picture frame. I went and picked the picture up to see me. I dropped the water squirters, I was shocked to find what I had. It was the Doctor and I on our wedding day. Laying beside where the picture was was a ring. Not any ring but the Doctor's wedding band. I picked it up and admired it sitting down on the bed. Then I was overwhelmed with emotions that I started crying.

 I didn't mean all those things that I said I was just shocked. I kept on crying not being able to stop. A few moments later the Doctor came in and saw me. "What's the...oh. Freya it's okay please stop crying. I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought your father up, it's my fault." "No doctor it's my fault I overreacted. I just hope you'll forgive me like I have forgiven you." "Oh Freya I was never mad. I could never be mad at you." He replied wiping away my tears. He gently grabbed my face and stroked under my eye. He then leaned in and our lips touched. At first it was slow and soft but we both were longing for more. I could feel him get tense. We finally broke apart gasping for air. 

"I love you and will never stop loving you." The Doctor breathlessly said "I love you too, I thought I would never get to tell you that ever again" "me neither" " come on we have some Raziglics to get rid of." The Doctor and I got up and went to the artificial beach filled up the water squirters,and exited the TARDIS into the streets of Turin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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