Untitled Part 3

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"I've missed this"i said as the Doctor and I were running to the source of the shaking." What an adventure, because I've missed them too." The doctor replied, then he abruptly stopped making me crash into him and we tumbled to the ground. "Ugrugh" I groaned as I pried myself off the doctor. " are you okay" I asked as I helped him up,and dusting him off." Uhh yeah" he seemed preoccupied looking at his sonic. A few seconds later he pulled a man hole lid off,and looked at me " are you ready for that adventure you have missed so much" " is that even a question" " well allons-y!!!" He yelled jumping down the hole,and I followed his lead screaming "Geronimo"

 it was dark and musky down there." Come on it's this way." He said following the sound of the sonic.  " do you know what we are up against yet." 

"Umm... I have few guesses but I don't know for sure yet." The doctor replied trying to figure out which way the sonic is leading us to. " well do you care to let me know what these guesses are?" "Umm...rather n-" the doctor stopped and motioned me to be quiet"

 "what what is it" I whispered as we hid behind a corner. He just pointed to a raziglic from raziglictorius guarding a door. Raziglics are slug like humanoids, their slime is extremely deadly to 2-hearted creatures...like a time lord. A took big gulp and turned to the doctor and he was just as worried as I was. " do you happen to have salt in those bigger on the inside pockets of that long coat" I whispered. "Well I don't really know the space of theses things are infinite,but I can look ar-" the Doctor was just staring at me. "What. what are you looking at." " your hair clip it is made from pure sodium, here give it to me." "What are you doing." He had now had a pen and rubber band out of his pocket. "I'm making a bow out of a pen and rubber band so I can shoot the clip at the raziglic "

 " no wait! How about we go back to the TARDIS and stock up on salt to defend ourselves in case we run into any more raziglics." 

" ok come on" he handed me the clip in defeat and we headed back through the sewer. We turned the last corner and stopped dead in our tracks to see a raziglic coming down the ladder. I quickly reacted, and chucked my clip at it. It fell to the ground and shriveled away into non-existence. "Well that's out of the way." As I started up the ladder "Freya, you know it's good to know you haven't lost your touch" the doctor said trailing behind me. "What is that suppose to mean." Giving him a hand out of the manhole."well uh back on Gallifrey you were always the best at everything, you were the top of the class best solider when it came time to fight best at anything you did without even truly trying. It's just nice to know that you haven't changed" "oh.. Well thank you, I think" I noticed when he spoke of Gallifrey he had great guilt and sadness in his eyes. "Doctor can I ask you something?"

 "Sure shoot for it" 

"umm well I was wondering if after we get rid of the raziglics. Umm well umm" "Freya you can tell me anything I promise." 

"Well I was wondering if we could visit Gallifrey?" As soon as I finished my question the Doctor's face grew sad and he took me to a bench and sat me down. I was scared of what he was going to say. I didn't know what had happened after I was sent to earth in the middle of the Time War. "Umm... I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to metaphorically rip the band aid off. So Gallifrey no longer exists I was forced to make a choice. The choice between destroy Gallifrey or destroy the entire universe. I hope you can forgive me."

 I was in shock my home is no longer in existence. I am also mad that he killed over 2.47 million people, his own people! His own family! "I don't know what to say I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Angry,sad,confused,and in shock. actually you know what I'm really angry. I'm how could you do that to our people your family!" The Doctor hugged me, while I tried to fight back."Our family!" I finished in defeat. "Our family died when your father sent you to earth." The Doctor said offended. "My father has nothing to do with this, he wasn't the reason you destroyed our home." "Your father has everything to do with this if I hadn't stepped in the entire universe would be destroyed, don't blame all of this on me. This is also partly your father's fault. Rassilon was the main reason I did it."

A/N- ooh Rassilon is Freya's father and what did Freya mean by 'our family'.

And in case you were wondering Raziglics are like slugs so salt dries them up. It's like how vinegar is deadly to Slitheens.

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