Chapter 2

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The TARDIS shook and The Doctor and I fell to the ground. When everything was completely still the Doctor looked at me and I looked at him, and we busted out laughing. We both stood up glaring at each other,and raced to the door. "I win!" I exclaimed "But I wanted to open the door first" the doctor pouted " well too bad" and I flung the doors to see an alley way. "Let's see. Umm I would its earth,Italy,umm I can't quite get the year."the doctor said looking at his sonic."1973" " how do you know that?!" " the newspaper I found on the ground" I smirked handing him the paper. "its actually November 7 to be exact." " oh. well come on let's explore Italy" as we walk through the town of Turin I kept getting eyed by people then I noticed that my clothes were not of this era. I had on a vineyard vines shirt with a gray and purple Patagonia pullover faded skinny jeans with navy blue hunter boots. I turned to the doctor and said "I'll be right back" and ran back to the TARDIS leaving the doctor confused so he just found a park bench and sat down waiting for me to return. Once I got to the TARDIS I found her locked, but quickly convinced her to let me in. Once I was inside I made my way down a corridor I passed the pool, arcade,library,and the bouncy house room then I finally found the wardrobe. I entered to find a winding staircase with a thousands of outfits trailing down the staircase. In the middle was a platform with a full length mirror and a little remote with buttons on it. The curious person I am I pressed the buttons and clothes started to fly down the railing. I let go of the button when I saw the clothes that went with the time period. I filed through until I found a cream colored dress that was all flowy and fell to my mid thigh. And I did my hair to go with the era along with frayed knee boots. After my outfit was complete I made my way through the TARDIS and went outside to find the doctor. I shortly found him sitting on a bench holding a calico kitten." Aww we should keep her." " no just simply no" " oh come on doctor please. Please pretty please." " oh fine but she's YOUR responsibility not mine." We then took her back to the TARDIS and set her in a room with cat toys,a litter box,food,water,and milk and left. We were walking down a street admiring all the little shops when the ground started to shake wildly,but it wasn't an earthquake actually I didn't know what it was. A few seconds later it subsided and I looked at the doctor and of course he had that wild grin that meant he must find out that was. And that meant something that I miss I have missed it so much, AN ADVENTURE!!!

A/N- I know it's really short but I will have the next chapter up really soon!!!

It all started with a walk in the woods- a Doctor who fanficWhere stories live. Discover now