Chapter 11

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Surprisingly,i woke up before Dimitri does and couldn't managed to fall back asleep so,i slipped out of bed without waking Dimitri up which is the first by the way.I'm not surprised because yesterday was tiring for him and everyone,actually.It was only 5 AM when i woke up and got dressed pretty quick because i'm just gonna go work out for a bit.Well,at least that's what i thought.

I'm on my 50th lap when i realized that it's already 8 AM.If it wasn't for my hungry stomach,i would never notice.I only grabbed an apple and a water bottle before i went out,which explain why i'm starving.

As guessed,Olena's already awake and is cooking breakfast.

"You're up early today." She said with amusement,as i grabbed a glass and poured some cool water and downed it in a minute.Feeling the cold of the water going down my throat was refreshing.

"Yeah.I just woke up and can't find it in me to go back to sleep so i went for a workout."I said in one breath and Olena arched an eyebrow."And i'm starving but i'm gonna go clean myself because i'm sweaty and just ugh." Olena laughed and nodded.

Just as i was walking upstairs,Dimitri was walking down.All showered and ready for the day.

"It's weird to wake up and not see you beside me." He said with a crooked smile."And clearly,you've been doing something worth your time."

"Yeah,i got carried away.Again." I muttered and Dimitri chuckled."And don't touch me because i'm soaked with sweat." I warned him and got an amusement smile in return and the annoying arching eyebrow.It runs in the family.

"Well,i never cared so," He cupped my face and kissed me on the lips softly."Good morning." He sneakily kissed my cheek as he went downstairs and i just shook my head with a smile on face,happy to see the sweet side of Dimitri.


Oksana and Mark came by at 1 and Lissa was so excited when she met them,it actually was funny to see her like that.She managed to control herself by not shooting questions before they were even seated.

"Rose,it's always a pleasure." Mark said as he pulled her in a hug which surprised her because the guy is not really the affectionate kind.Except with his wife of course.

Lissa sat by my side with a polite smile plastered on her face.

"Princes- I mean,Lissa," Oksana corrected herself as she remembered their introduction."I've heard about you a lot from Rose.I hope you're well.I'm sorry for what had happened with Avery." Her voice full of sympathy and Lissa shivered a bit as she remembered of what happened.

"Yes,i am too.But thanks to you and Rose,i'm still alive.I can't express how thankful i am for that." I held her hand for comfort."I've personally had heard about you a lot too and Mark too of course.Rose was and is very fond of you still.And that's a lot to say coming from Rose." I narrowed my eyes at that.

"Yes.We're very fond of her too.You're very lucky to have a shadow kissed best friend like Rose." Mark said,smiling his genuine smile."I guess we better leave you two to talk about stuff.Rose,shall we take a walk or something?" Mark suggested as he got up.

Mark and I decided to take a walk outside since the weather is nice.Not really hot and not too cold either just..okay,i guess.

"I can't believe that you actually succeed in changing Dimitri back but you did it.Personally,i want to thank you because i've known Dimitri since he was a kid.He's grown into a gentle,brave,kind man.I'm glad he found you."

I knew that Mark and Dimitri were close but i didn't know this close.

"I guess he saw you as a father figure huh since his dad kind of..." I trailed off and Mark thankfully understood why.

"Well,not really.In a way i guess,yes but not really.Dimitri never relies on anyone,even when he was only a child and that's one of the things i admire about him.His father was the worse man that i have ever known and i'm glad Dimitri didn't follow in his steps."

Dimitri never really talked about his dad with me.I don't want to bring it up,not wanting to bring up what seemed like a terrible past.

"Yeah,i am too."

They walked in a comfortable silence and the only sounds that were heard were coming from their surroundings.

"Rose,um,when Oksana saw Dimitri,she saw his aura too."

"And?" I prompted,with a bad feeling in my heart.

"Well,she'd let me see it too and it was bright when he was with you but he was also surrounded with darkness,almost as much as yours,so i hope you'll be careful."

I frowned.

"Is it- is it possible that there's a bit remnants of Strigoi inside of him?" Sje asked quietly.

Mark answered eventually with a nod.

"Even though his darkness is not as much as yours,it's still dangerous.Once it sparked,to stop'd be hard.I'm giving you an advice here,never be in the same room as him if both of you are pissed about something or just genuinely angry for some reason because if two souls darkness collided,things won't end pretty."

I frowned,worried because i know Dimitri pretty well and even though he's nice and kind and just genuinely the nicest person you'd ever meet,he would have to blow up at one point.We all do.Even before the darkness,you wouldn't want to mess with him.

"I guess we are a frightening couple." I joked."But how do you keep the darkness at bay? I could barely even do it myself."

"Well,for starters,i recommend you to always go outside and take a deep breath if you feel like its suffocating you and if you could feel its at its peak,you lock yourself inside a gym or something."

"I already do that but how do you know when its at its peak?"

"You'd feel angry and something else,depending on the situation.Your vision just suddenly started to look red.You do not want to be in public if you feel that."

"I've had that before,i think.Yeah,i did." Jesse.Asshole.

Then her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Watch your back,Rosemarie.

Updated.Sorry again for the wait but as many of you guys know by now i don't have an update schedule so,yeah.Vote and comment if you want.Until next chapter,have a good day/night. ~Mariam ツ

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