Chapter 1

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Dimitri was holding on to her just as intently,but both he and Lissa were outmatched.The guardians finally pried them apart.There were confused shouts as guardians tried to determine whether they should kill Dimitri.It wouldn't have been hard.He was helpless now.He could barely stand when they jerked him to his feet.

That woke me up.I'd simply been staring,frozen and dumbstruck.Shaking off my daze,I sprang forward,though i wasn't sure who i was going for: Lissa or Dimitri.

"No! Don't!" I yelled,seeing some of the guardians move in with stakes."He's not what you think! He's not Strigoi! Look at him!"  

(A/N - Those were taken from Spirit Bound) 


"No! Don't!" I heard someone yelled.Roza."He's not what you think! He's not Strigoi! Look at him!" I finally gain a little strength and saw her.I broke out of the guardians hold on me and I ran to her as tears streaming down my face.

"Dimitri.." She breathed as i wrapped my arms around her.She too had tears in her eyes.I broke down as she said my name over and over again in relievement.Then i remembered all the horrible things i did to her.

"Roza,i'm sorry.I'm so sorry for what i did.I really am.God,Rose I am so sor- " I was cut off with a kiss that is full with relievement and longingness and pure love.

And suddenly i felt someone pulling me away from her and her me.I struggled against their hold to get to Rose.

"Let me go!" Rose yelled."Let me go! He needs me!" I could hear the struggleness in her voice.

"Come on,move it." The guardian who is holding me ordered.I reluctantly obeyed.He pushed me into the car."Check his eyes.And keep your eyes open." He order at the other guards.I saw the puzzled looks on the guardians.I know what they are wondering,because i too am wondering what had just happened? A moment ago i was a Strigoi and now i'm a dhampir.....i think.Am I?  What i know is Vasilisa and Rose just saved me.I don't know how's this even possible.This has never happened before.


Dimitri was locked away.I tried to get answers from Hans but he won't tell me anything.I really need to see him.He needs me.I know that.Then i saw Mikhail.

"Mikhail!" He glanced back and,seeing me,walked over."What's going on?" I asked,relieved to see a friendly face."Have they let Dimitri out?"

He shook his head."No,they're still trying to figure out what happened.He has been asking for you and Vasilisa but mostly you.They won't let you in alone but i think you can with Vasilisa." 

"Thanks.I'm gonna go find Lissa."  I said over my shoulder.I searched her through the bond and know that she's walking to the guardians' holding cell.I sprint to her as fast as i could and i reached in a few minutes.

"Rose.." She jumped.The guardian around her tensed.

"Sorry Liss.You're going to see Dimitri aren't you?" I asked,panting a little."Mikhail told me that he's been asking for me and you.They won't let me in alone though,so you have to let me go with you."

"Sure." She gave me a small smile.

After another 5 minutes we got to the guardians' holding building.Lissa talked to the guardian on duty in the front reception area.We had to pull a little fight with him because he won't let me in but gratefully,Lissa talked him in.As we walked down the hall i realize it was crowded with guardians.All that security for one person.It's not impossible for a Strigoi to break through a cell's steel bars,but Dimitri was no Strigoi.Why couldn't they see that? Are they retarded or what.Then i saw him and i almost came into a halt.He'd cleaned up and i could see him clearly.He looks amazing and breath taking.Well,to me anyways.He always had that effect on me.

"Dimitri." I said softly and gently.He turns around from the wall and his eyes lit up as he saw me.He wore jeans and a simple black T-shirt.His brown hair was tied back into a ponytail,and a faint shadow across his lower face showed that he needed to shave.Probably no one would let him get near a razor.Regardless,it made him look sexier- more real,more dhampir.

"Roza," He breathed.I came closer to the bars but one of the guardians stopped me.

"That's close enough," He said firmly.

"Let me in." I said with a commanding voice.He won't budge.

"Just let her." Lissa said with an authorize voice.The guardian stared at me blankly and reluctantly open it and let me in.

I wrapped my arms aroud his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist."Are you okay?" I asked with a worried face.

"I'm fine," He said softly."They haven't hurt me or anything." He said with a small smile.He finally acknowledges Lissa."Vasilisa."

She approached the bars and the guardians around her started closing rank."Back off!" She snapped in a queenly tone,glaring at everyone around her.Some of them reluctantly back off."Give us some space," Finally,all of them back off.Her face softened as her gaze turns to Dimitri."How are they treating you?" 

"Fine.Like i told Rose,they haven't hurt me or anything.Look,i know you and Rose have been through a lot just to save me and i'm grateful for that.Thank you." He gave us both meaningful looks."I don't know how I could ever repay you both."

"You don't have to.We're just glad that you're back.And honestly,I only did little in this mission,most of it was Rose.She wouldn't give up on you." Lissa said with a proud tone.

"I'd be damned if I ever give up on you.After all we've been through,you think I'd give up on you that easily?" He chuckled but not quiet.There's still sorrow ness in his eyes.

"No.But," His face turns serious."You should've.It would be easier if you just kill me instead of endangering your friends' lives." His face darkens."I'm a monster.I've killed hundreds of people." I cupped his face.

"Dimitri," I said in a comforting tone."Listen to me,that was not you.That was a monster.It's not you.You're a dhampir.You're a strong,kind guy.That was never you.You were just.." I struggled to find the right word."Trapped inside."

"Guardian Hathaway." Someone said.I glanced around.It's Guardian Hayes."Guardian Croft wants to see you in his office now."

"I'll be back okay?" I said to him and he nodded.I reached up and gave him a quick kiss."I love you." It's the first time I said those words since he got turned back.He flashed me one of his rare smiles.

I walked out of the cell.

I'll see you later.Lissa said through the bond.I nodded.

I saw the shock faces of some guardians when I made an intimate contact with Dimitri.Guardian Hayes escort me to Hans' office.

Well since i've just finished my first VA fanfic (Undying Love),i decided to upload a new one..but i'm not sure if i'm gonna keep it,but if i do- update every Sunday. ~Mariam

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