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My mother was 5 at the time but she remembered everything like it happened yesterday.

She was playing with my aunt and having fun, when my grandmother walked in with this huge doll! And I mean huge! like no other doll i have seen.

She said "Mira mijas las querio mucho a las dos pero tiene k conpartir esta munka". Translation: you see my daughters i love you both but you have to share this doll.

Yes mami they responded. They spent all day playing with this doll until finally they had to go to bed. Goodnight hermana my mom said and left for bed but my aunt stayed up olaying with the doll.

Sister are you ok? My mom aksed her she said three words that scared my mom. Those three words were "I love Satin"
My mom scared called my abuela and told her everything.

They were scared until they found out the doll was haunted with the sprit of a little girl who was killed in ancient times. After that my mom said buying dolls that were huge was bad luck.

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