Donavans love story part 2

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Sunday afternoon:
Donvan pov: "hey mom I really need your help!" I ask my mother walking into her studio. "What the hell is with you guys interrupting my sessions?" She's says walking out of the both. "Sorry! Mom I just have a problem! I really like tyanna I don't know how to tell her! I was thinking maybe I could leave?" I say bracing myself. I looked at my mother and got the response I knew she was going to give. "Are you crazy Donavan! No your not going out of this house! Tell her to come over here!" My mother says as we walk out of her studio. "But ma how am I supposed to be cute in the house?" I ask as she laughs at me. "I'm not sure you better make it work Dee!" She says as we walk up stairs to the living room.! "Mom come on what's the big deal? Can she come over for dinner then? I just want to show her that I can be a gentlemen!" I say as my mom stops in the middle of the living room and looks at me with a grin across her face. "Look Dee! I'm sure tyanna likes you! Just let things work on there own and stop freaking out! If it's meant to be it will happen with you guys! If you wanna invite her to dinner go ahead! I'll cook somthing nice!" My mother says as she starts walking away. "Wait mom is that good enough though? I want to make her feel like she's important! She already has a crush on this other guy! I want to take her away from that." I say grabbing my mother's arm to stop her from walking. "Look Dee! It will be fine! Just let me know if your going to bring her!"
My mother says as we enter the kitchen.  Her phone goes off and it's her friend Loran.
:::::phone conversation:::::
Nicki: "yo"
Loran: "hey girl! Was sup?"
Nicki: "hey I was calling you to see if you can tell me anything about Chyna and crig!"
Low low: "yeah girl ! What you need to know?"
Nicki: "can you just come over here it's a long story!"
Low low: "yeah Tyeasha there?"
Nicki: "naw but she should be walking in any second now!"
Low low: "ok coo! Well I'll be there in like 3min!"
Nicki: "ok see you in a few!"
::::::hangs up::::
"Donavan where is dawn at?"
My mother asked looking at me. "I think she's up in her room! Why?"
I ask confused. "Just wondering Ima need her in a second!" She says shutting an open dewar. "Tyeasha is approaching the door in 5, 4,3,2,1!" The house operator says as the doors slide open. "Onika!!!!!!!" Tyeasha yells as she walks into the house. "I'm in the kitchen Ty!!!!" My mother says filling a pot with water. "Mom I'm about to go upstairs!" I say as I proceed out of the kitchen.
Nicki pov: "hey boo!" I say to my best friend Tyeasha as she kisses my cheek. "Hey!" She says sitting at the counter. "Loran is approaching the door in 5,4,3,2,1!" The house operator says as the doors slide open again. "Hey!!!!!!!" Loran says hugging both Tyeasha and I. "Hey! So I called you guys over here because dawn got a text from some unknown number that said we told on his parents and he was going to kill us and all this crazy shit but the only people we been to court with is Chyna and crig! Now I was told that they where brother in sister!!!! Why on earth is this boy saying her is there child!?" I asked confused as I started making corn bread. "Are you sure that's not Chyna or crig fucking with y'all?"
Tyeasha asked. "Girl no I called to make sure they were still locked up! Both of them got life it's not them!"
I say storing the bowl of mix. "We'll see I wasn't supposed to say anything but sense y'all my bitches I have to! Chyna and crig are brother and sister but they did mess around! It's gross I know! But they messed around for a few years and Chyna had 3 kids! She had 2 boys King, and quan, and a girl her name is tyanna! But she gave them up for adoption so that nobody would know she was fucking her brother on the down low." Loran says as Tyeasha and I nod. "Wait so Chyna fucking her bro?" Tyeasha asked confused. "Yeah girl but see Chyna ain't wanna get down and dirty like that with him but that nigga crig is super aggressive and he forced her! He also been pimping her sense she was like 19 years old that's how Chyna got into the game! She started stripping and took it from there!." Loran says. "Well fuck! That bitch put her lips on me and shit! I better not have gotten anything from that female! And that's so gross! I feel bad for her but that man crig needs help!" I say as I sit at the counter with them. "Yeah y'all they got some real dirt in they past! I know one of they kids go to the same school as our kids! The little girl tyanna!"
Loran says placing her phone down on the counter. "That's fucked up how they do the kids like that though!" Tyeasha says as we all shake our head. "Yo low low what you say her name was?" I ask as a thought came to my head. "Tyanna! She's 14 I believe!" Low low says as my heart dropped. "I think my twins know her! Dee been talking about her! One second y'all.!" I say walking over to the end of the stairs. "Donavan!!!!!!!" I yell . "Donavan nea'shawn maraj!!!!!!!!" I yell again as he came down the stairs. "Yeah ma wassup!" He says as I grab his hand. We walked into the kitchen and stood in front of Loran. "Tell him that name!" I say waiting for Loran to tell him the name. "Tyanna!" She says looking confused. "What about her?" Donavan asked confused as well. "She's Quans sister!!!" I say looking at him. "No she isn't how do y'all know that? Tyanna is adopted!" Dee says shaking his head. "Yeah she is and she has two brothers! Quan and King! They are Chyna and crig a kids!" Loran says looking at Dee. "What? Chyna and crig are brother and sister that's gross and it can't be true because tyanna dad is locked up he got life a few....... Wait ! " Dee says with a blank look on his face. "Let me call her!" He says taking his phone out.
::::::phone conversation:::::::
Tyanna: "hello?"
Dee: "hey tee I have a question do you know your dads name? Or your moms?"
Tyanna: "why you ask me that?"
Dee: "just wondering I was talking to my mom about you and I just wanna help to see if we can find them for you!"
Tyanna: "why where talking about me to your mom?" (Smiles)
Dee: "just thinking about what you said the other day about your dad!"
Tyanna: "oh! That's nice of you! And my mother's name is chyanna (chi-Anna) my dads name is marcrig!) you think the names will help?"
Dee: "hopefully! I'll call you back!"
Tyanna: "ok later Dee!"
:::::hangs up::::::
Donavan pov: "mom she said her moms name is chyanna and her dads name is marcrig!" I say as my aunt Loran starts talking. "Yeah that's Chyna and crig  full name! What's tyanna last name?" She asked me as I thought about it for a second. Her last name was James just like Chyna and crig. "Mom I really like tyanna! Please don't take her from me !" I say looking at my mom sadly. "Donavan it might be dangerous to talk to her!"

-stay tuned! We got a lot coming up here!!!

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