Begging for forgivness

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Same day:
Shawn pov:
I was definitely irritated at this point. I wanted to just hit Nicki dead in her face but I couldn't. I loved her to much, in fact I loved her so much I didn't even want to brake up with her. So I didn't . I laid down in my bed right on Nicki's side and held her pillow to cry. The whole idea of this just really aggravated me. 
"Babe please talk to me I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen!" Nicki says fallowing me into the room. "Get the fuck away from me Onika I don't want to here it! Go away!" I yell as she sits in the bed next to me.
"Shawn just listen to me!!! Please ! I know your upset and I know you don't want to here my excuse but I want you to know what really happens.!" Nicki said as she moved my hair out of my face. "Don't fucking touch me!" "Can you move please! " I say swinging on her in anger. "So you just gonna fight me then and stay mad instead of talk to me???" Nicki asked trying to black all my shots. "Get away from me Onika !!! I don't want to talk to you!!!" I say still trying to fight her. "Your a lier!!!! You cheated and you lied Onika!!! After everything I did for you!! We been through so much shit! Not only that we just got back together and you already fucking up in the worst way!!!" I say as tears are running from my eyes. "I just tried to murder two mathafucka's for you and was this close to doing life in prison with out seeing my kids!!! What hell is wrong with you??" 
Nicki knew she fucked up and I knew for a fact she wanted to fix it once she started crying. I felt bad but at the same time I'm the one that got hurt not her. In all honesty she did mean everything to me and I knew there had to be a reason she ended up sleeping with my baby mom.
"Baby please stop trying to fight me and just listen to what I have to say!!!" Nicki says as I calm down. "Can you move please!" I say as She was holding both my arms tightly to stop me from fighting her. "No! I'm not doing that again! I'm not about to give up on us and start drama that we don't need to get into! Every Time we fight one of us gets frustrated and leave! I'm not with that shit no more.!" "I'm in love with you!!! Shawn if you want me to leave and give up look me in my eye and tell me that!" Nicki says still crying as she waited for my response. "Onika I don't but why do you always have to do that to me?!" I ask raising my voice.  "Do what Shawn?" Nicki says confused. "Giving people what's mine!! That's mine!!"  I say frustrated. "I didn't want that !!! Just let me talk!!!" Nicki says yelling back at me.
"Fine! Speak!" I say as she started to wipe my face.
"Look I did not want to have sex with that bitch!!! I didn't even want her ass here nor did I do it on purpose! I got drunk because I was so sad that you were not here I was feeling alone! I thought Tiea was you once I got drunk!! I don't remember fucking her but I guess it happen!!! I'm sorry and if I could take it back babe I would! I know you not gone forgive me so I'm not going to ask but Tiea took advantage of me! I'm sorry!" Nicki says looking at me as tears fell from her eyes.. "It's ok!" I say wiping her face as she sat above me. "What?" Nicki asked confused. "I said it's ok! I trust you! I know you didn't mean it! Besides you couldn't even look at me ! You couldn't even kiss me!!! Matter of fact all you could do was cry in my arms.! I'm hurt but I forgive you" I say as Nicki shook her head.
"I'm so sorry Shawn! You know that I love you right!" Nicki says looking at her ring.
"I love you too!"'I say as she laid on my chest and cried. I couldn't understand why she was crying more then I was. "Nicki why are you crying still?" I asked confused. "Because I hurt you! That's the last thing I wanted. And because I fucked Tiea!!!" Nicki says putting the horrible thought back into my mind. "Stop it! Stop crying! I said it's ok! Let's forget about this all and move on!" I say as Nicki ran to the bathroom and started throwing up again.
"You better not be fucking pregnant !!!!!" I yell putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys. "We going to the hospital right now!!! Come on!" I say walking into the bathroom handing Nicki some water. "If your having a baby with her I'm fucking you up!" I say as we walk to the car. "Stop saying that I told you I was drinking! And if I have a baby by her I don't want it!" Nicki says starting to cry agin. 
About an hour later we get to the hospital.
The nurse runs a few test on Nicki and she returns with the results.  "Ok ma'am the good news is there is no baby! You are just having a horrible hang over. But there is some other bad news that we came across while looking at the bacteria running through your system." The doc says handing Nicki a packet of papers and a prescription. "What's this for?" Nicki says looking at me and the nurse. I was confused. If there was no baby I was hoping they were meds to help with nausea. "Is everything ok? I ask looking at Nicki as she read the paper.
The room grew silent and Nicki looked up with tears falling from her face.
"Baby what's wrong?" I ask as she looked up and responded with.....
"I have HIV/AIDS "


-fuck! You guys I make this story up as I go seriously I type what ever pops into my head! Some stuff I wish I could un write lol if Nicki Minaj ever reads this book I hope she doesn't hate me. (Tell me how y'all think the last few chapters should have gone) Lol stay tuned!!!! 

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